Looper Provider - Order By Price


I’m using a looper to list products on my client’s e-commerce website - which generally works very well - and looks much nicer than the default WooCommerce shortcodes.

One client request I’m struggling with is to order the products by PRICE, specifically on the ‘Sale’ page.


Is there a way for me to sort products by the price metadata?

Many thanks!


Hi Tyler,

Thanks for reaching out.
In that case, you need to use the Query String instead of Query Builder. I would suggest you go through the following thread which will help you on Query String.


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Thanks for the reply. Is there any plan to add in more WooCommerce integration with loopers etc?

Would be nice to have this sort of thing baked into Cornerstone.

Cheers :slight_smile:


The next release providers sorting on custom fields

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Hi Tyler,

Our development team is working on the custom fields to be added to the sorting. Hopefully, it will be added to any of the upcoming releases.


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