Let’s face it. Building websites is hard.
Rather, building good websites is hard.
And we should know...we've been doing it for over a decade.
What's more, we haven’t just built websites. We’ve also built the software that lets people build websites. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? :)
This point of view has given us a front row seat to the high and lows…the ups and downs…the good and bad to every single part of the web design journey.
As a matter of fact:
- We’ve individually answered over 100,000 website questions.
- We’ve written or changed over 1,000,000 lines of website building code.
- We’ve spent a whopping 400,000 man hours in the pursuit of better websites.
We’ve literally seen it all when it comes to building websites, and at the end of the day, this simple truth remains: building websites is hard.
One of the most powerful takeaways we’ve learned through the past decade is that it’s not just about the tech. It’s not just about the content. It’s not even just about the product or service you may be selling.
The secret to a successful website is orchestrating the symphony between all of those things (plus dozens more) in just the right balance.
It’s kind of like a movie.
What happens if you have a really great story but horrible acting? Or great cinematography but awful music?
It just doesn’t work. And you don’t have to be a movie critic to see it.
The good website builders know how to strike that balance on their own. The great website builders know how to do something much easier.
They copy the experts.
I can hear the gasps now.
“Copy? I. Would. Never!”
Think about it this way. Where do you go when you build a house? Do you invent your own foundation? Come up with your own framing material? Design your own plumbing system?
Not at all.
You get with a builder and pay them to come up with the plan. To save even more, you may use a plan they’ve already put together…a template if you will.
This principle happens all around us, and you are wise to put it to use. After all, your best energy is not in understanding the physics of your foundation — it’s in designing what goes on that foundation. The same can be true for websites, and that’s where we come in.
Meet Max
Max is a collection of courses, templates, and plugins that will supercharge your site building powers—even if you have no prior experience and have never built a website.
Cutting Edge Courses On The Latest In Website Building.
Taught By Industry Experts. Right In Cornerstone.
New Episodes Automatically. No Update Required.
Includes Premium Plugins & Templates. No Manual Downloads.
In many ways, Max is the culmination of what began at Themeco over a decade ago. If you’ve been around since the early days, you may remember the industry experts we consulted before we built the first version of X.
We took those insights and built a product that went on to become ThemeForest’s fastest selling theme of all time—a record unbroken to this day.
We knew it wasn’t just about coming up with all the ideas on our own. Sure, we had a vision for what we wanted to build, but we also knew there was immense value by going to others who had already achieved the success we were looking to replicate. We could learn from them.
We went to SEOs, marketers, developers, and business owners. We went to copywriters, ad gurus, and everyone we could find that was a leading expert in their field and asked them one simple question.
“Based on what you know now about BLANK, if you could build ONE thing into a website builder, what would it be?”
Well wouldn’t you know it, we got all sorts of different insights. From certain tools to special ways of doing things. We also got a whole lot of “Don’t do this…” that ended up saving us a lot of time and money.
Those perspectives were invaluable as we set out to create our own product, and that’s exactly what Max can be for you. Let’s take a quick tour.
Max brings together both powerful training and purposeful tech in just the right combination. It's almost like your very own design and development degree...on demand!
- NEW: Build Better Brand Websites w/ Personify.
Multiple custom websites. Native design controls. Copy layout and structure. Built with atomic design system. Over 90 expertly crafted templates. Over 200 custom elements. Unlimited pages and posts. Plus more!
Discover the better way to build highly scalable websites for coaches, consultants, and personal brands — all backed by the one and only Cornerstone Builder. Check out the demos to see just a sample of what you can do.
Data visualization is the name of the game if you want to create a truly custom website. Thankfully, with Cornerstone Charts, it has never been easier.
From custom dashboards to bespoke calculators to mini web applications and so much more, this is the tool you've been looking for!
These aren’t your grandma’s sliders! In Modern Sliders we take you step-by-step through over a dozen examples of the most engaging sliders on the market today.
From pricing tables to product comparisons, learn how to take this often misunderstood design element to its FULL potential…the right way.
You know when you see those layouts that seem to defy gravity? More than likely, they’re using CSS Grid. Did you know that Pro has a powerful Grid Editor built natively into the theme? It can allow you to bring all sorts of creativity to your layouts…when you know how to harness it.
In Gridorama we’re going to take you to the deep end of the pool and teach you everything you need to know so you can start using CSS Grid tonight!
Done right, design systems can be down right magic. Ignore them, and you’re probably going to hate working on your website. We’re not just going to teach you about them, we’re going to show you exactly how you can build your own.
Learn the origins and purpose of design systems. Learn techniques for organizing and creating color styles and type scales. Learn advanced techniques for Components & Parameters. Learn all this (and more) in Web Design Magic.
Want to learn one of the quickest ways to become a site building super hero? In Super Loopers we’ll take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know about this most incredible feature.
Learn how to use custom JSON Loopers with multiple Consumers to introduce variable styles in the middle of a loop (fancy way of saying next level customizations). Learn how to bypass the WordPress menu system and roll your own navigation. We’ll even show you how to animate headline copy or logo wordmarks fast and easy. The options are truly limitless with Loopers.
Join Max
Our mission is simple. We are building a vibrant and diverse community of the best experts and training about the latest in website building. But that’s not all. We not only have an impressive lineup of tech and templates today—you also get access to all future content as part of your membership! It’s like the gift that keeps on giving.