July 7, 2016
Break out your sunscreen and funny beach towels everyone, summer is finally upon us (at least in our hemisphere, but you can pretend otherwise)! For everyone here at Themeco Headquarters, there's no better way to celebrate this season of fun in the sun than with an update to our product line! So sit back, relax (perhaps with a piña colada in hand), and enjoy.
If you keep up with the community run X Theme Users group on Facebook, you may have seen Kyle drop a few hints about our upcoming Extension integrations. Now that the time has finally arrived, we couldn't me more thrilled to officially share the news of our two new Extensions with v4.6.0 of X: ACF Pro and Superfly!

For those who might not already be familiar with it, ACF Pro is an absolutely stellar plugin that makes including custom fields onto your posts and pages incredibly easy. You can utilize the fields you've added to pull through custom data and output it as needed, allowing you to create more involved and immersive pages that go beyond standard content. Our Cornerstone integration with ACF Pro takes things even further, letting you place shorthand markup that will pull through data into your element content. To read more about ACF Pro, make sure to check out our Knowledge Base article that goes into much greater detail on the whole integration.
Superfly is the new kid in town that everybody on the block wants to hang out with. Superfly is a menu builder that allows you to setup unique navigation layouts for your website that look truly spectactular across all devices. You can read more about Superfly in our Knowledge Base article and see how to set it up and work with it.
ACF Integration
With this release of Cornerstone we've added a simple integration with ACF, allowing custom fields to be accessed in the page builder. For example, you can place {{acf:my_title}}
in any Cornerstone text field. It will be expanded with the contents of your My Title field in ACF.
While more of a behind the scenes feature, we're proud to announce that Cornerstone now uses JSON for data storage instead of the serialization method furnished by WordPress natively. Many of you have had the unfortunate experience of losing the ablility to edit in Cornerstone after moving your site to a new URL. This is because PHP serialization is a strict format that will break if the length of content changes. JSON is much more flexible, and will help Cornerstone be more resiliant in a database migration.
Earlier this year Google deprecated the use of their Google Maps API without providing and API key. We've added a field to the Google Maps element allowing a key to be specified.
This release also introduces some underlying framework changes in preperation for Cornerstone v2.0.0. Most notable is the relocation of all localized strings to a central folder. We appologize for any inconvenience this is to those who have translated the plugin. Moving forward, having everything in one folder will be more sustainable as features are added.
This release also includes a few bug fixes, various improvements, and updates to our other bundled Extensions. As always, we look forward to seeing how you keep creating with X and our Extensions and will see you all very soon!
Update: October 7, 2016
Salutations, esteemed Themeco customers (and those who simply enjoy perusing changelog notes). As always, we are thrilled to be bringing you another release with an array of goodies for you to dig into, so let's get started!
With v4.6.3 of X, we are introducing our latest Extension: WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder!

You'll no doubt find many uses for this incredibly powerful forms builder that integrates directly with both Stripe and PayPal (no additional addons needed). Perfect for any industry where quotes are given out, from web designers and developers to builders and beyond. You can read more about the WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder Extension in our knowledge base article.
This release also covers a handful of maintenance items, including updating our Google Fonts and Font Aweseome options to provide the latest options available. Stay tuned! We will have an exciting progress report to share related to v5.0 of X next week, including the addition of a surprise feature!
- X 4.6.4 - October 8, 2016
- Bugfix: Fix VC Templates not loading.
- X 4.6.3 - October 7, 2016
- Feature: WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder Integration.
- Updated: Font Awesome v4.6.3 support.
- Updated: Google Fonts list.
- Updated: Visual Composer integration.
- Updated: Improved one page navigation behavior.
- Bugfix: Scroll bars always appearing in fixed left or right navigation.
- Cornerstone 1.3.3 - October 7, 2016
- Updated: Font Awesome v4.6.3 support.
- Bugfix: Essential Grid not loading in the preview.
- Cornerstone 1.3.2 - September 8, 2016
- Bugfix: Google Maps not loading.
- X 4.6.2 - September 7, 2016
- Updated: Disable BuddyPress cover images.
- Updated: Superfly v4.1.4 support.
- Updated: ACF Pro v5.4.2 support.
- Updated: The Grid v2.1.0 support.
- Bugfix: Background image not working on blog index or archive pages.
- Bugfix: Pattern background not working in Visual Composer.
- Bugfix: Customizer control for fixed left and right menu scrolling to be turned on or off.
- Bugfix: PHP Notices with Visual Composer integration.
- Bugfix: Structured data with WooCommerce product reviews (
- Bugfix: Include missing visually hidden h1 across all stacks.
- Bugfix: Escaping issues with custom archive titles and subtitles.
- Cornerstone 1.3.1 - August 23, 2016
- Updated: Add tabindex attribute support for the Gravity Forms element.
- Bugfix: Font Awesome being unable to load.
- X 4.6.1 - July 26, 2016
- Updated: Update WooCommerce compatibility and templates to v2.6.3.
- Bugfix: Fix text domain in BuddyPress integration causing translation issues.
- Bugfix: Fix fixed left and fixed right menu not being scrollable.
- X 4.6.0 - July 7, 2016
- Feature: ACF Pro Integration.
- Feature: Superfly Integration.
- Updated: ConvertPlug v2.3.1 support.
- Updated: LayerSlider v5.6.9 support.
- Updated: Revolution Slider v5.2.6 support.
- Updated: Visual Composer v4.12 support.
- Updated: Removed unused .hidden class to avoid plugin conflicts.
- Bugfix: WPML Template override on archive pages, including WooCommerce.
- Bugfix: 404 for lightbox preloader .gif resource.
- Bugfix: Sticky posts being shown in Ethos post slider.
- Bugfix: Fix portfolio items not showing with WPML activated.
- Cornerstone 1.3.0 - July 7, 2016
- Feature: Store Cornestone data as JSON instead of relying on native WordPress serialization.
- Feature: ACF integration.
- Updated: Add API key field to Google Maps element.
- Updated: Allow Cornerstone to work when Yoast''s "clean permalinks" is enabled.
- Updated: Change template "Delete" button hover color to red.
- Updated: Register Open Sans since WordPress v4.6 is dropping it.
- Bugfix: Fixed Callout alignment options not appearing.
- Bugfix: Fix text domain and localization issues.