
January 22, 2014

  • 1.7.2

As far as the theme concerned, we made a big discovery earlier this week with regards to the Customizer and its performance related to memory usage. We've had a very small number of users occasionally report issues with the Customizer stating that they were seeing a blank screen or an error message notifying them that they had run out of memory. This has most often been due to shared hosting plans, which were timing out because of this. We have been able to provide some solutions to help resolve this issue for this small group of affected users, but until recently had not figured out the source of the problem itself. After weeks of researching this in an effort to ensure that your experience with X is as seamless as possible, we have finally come to a resolution on this particular matter.

Through a few optimizations in regards to how we register and utilize options in the Customizer, we were able to dramatically decrease the amount of queries taking place on the database, resulting in a greatly diminished memory load. We will still keep our Knowledge Base article in place just in case someone still happens to have an issue with the Customizer, but we're happy to report that this issue has effectively been solved and should not occur anymore.

X Shortcodes

This version of the X Shortcodes plugin was geared to specifically target lightbox functionality. These improvements include caption support, video support, as well as an improved lightbox setup method.

The [image] shortcode now has a new class that is added to the link that surrounds it when you use the link="true" attribute. For example, If you were to enter the following code (simplified for demonstration purposes):

[image src="img.jpg" link="true" href="img.jpg"]

It would output some markup like this (again, simplified for demonstration purposes):

<a class="x-img x-img-link" href="img.jpg"> <img src="img.jpg"> </a>

The x-img-link class is what can now be used as an automatic selector to setup your lightbox without having to do anything else. So instead of needing to add your own custom classes to all of your links around your images as well as setting up the proper selector with your [lightbox] shortcode, this is all done automatically. You can still specify custom classes and selectors if you want, but you don't have to to get everything setup. Implementing a lightbox gallery could be something as simple as the following:

[image src="img-1.jpg" link="true" href="img-1.jpg"] [image src="img-2.jpg" link="true" href="img-2.jpg"] [image src="img-3.jpg" link="true" href="img-3.jpg"] [image src="img-4.jpg" link="true" href="img-4.jpg"] [lightbox]

This will automatically pick up the x-img-link classes set to your images and will use the default options to create your lightbox upon clicking one of those images.

Additionally, we've added support for video and captions with the lightbox_video and lightbox_caption attributes on the [image] shortcode. If you wanted to setup some images that launched a YouTube video on click, it would look something like this:

[image src="img-1.jpg" link="true" href="//" lightbox_video="true"] [image src="img-2.jpg" link="true" href="//" lightbox_video="true"] [image src="img-3.jpg" link="true" href="//" lightbox_video="true"] [image src="img-4.jpg" link="true" href="//" lightbox_video="true"] [lightbox]

So if you're linking out to a video on your image, simply set the lightbox_video="true" attribute and you're good to go!

Also, you can add unique captions to your images now using the lightbox_caption attribute. Using it would look something like this:

[image src="img-1.jpg" link="true" href="img-1.jpg" lightbox_caption="I am a caption!"] [image src="img-2.jpg" link="true" href="img-2.jpg"] [image src="img-3.jpg" link="true" href="img-3.jpg"] [image src="img-4.jpg" link="true" href="img-4.jpg" lightbox_caption="I am another caption!"] [lightbox]

Finally, you can specify unique thumbnail for the thumbnail navigation of the lightbox by specifying the lightbox_thumb attribute. This comes in handy if you're linking out to a video and need to set a different image than what people will initially see. If this attribute is left blank or not used at all, this will default to whatever is set for the src attribute. Using it would look something like this:

[image src="img-1.jpg" link="true" href="//" lightbox_video="true" lightbox_thumb="img-2.jpg"] [image src="img-3.jpg" link="true" href="//" lightbox_video="true" lightbox_thumb="img-4.jpg"] [lightbox]

We hope you'll find these enhancements and modifications useful as you build out your website. We cannot thank you enough for your continued support and look forward improving upon the foundation we've laid with X.


  • X 1.7.2 - January 22, 2014
    • Updated: Major Customizer performance improvements.
  • Shortcodes 2.0.6 - January 22, 2014
    • Feature: New "lightbox_thumb" attribute was added to the [image] shortcode, allowing users to set a custom thumbnail for lightbox navigation.
    • Feature: New "lightbox_video" attribute was added to the [image] shortcode, allowing users to specify if video is being used for the lightbox.
    • Feature: New "lightbox_caption" attribute was added to the [image] shortcode, allowing users to add a caption to their images in the lightbox.
    • Updated: Altered the way that the [lightbox] shortcode is utilized to improve the setup of lightboxes throughout the theme.