WooCommerce Tips
Video Series • August 15, 2024
Welcome to Cornerstone Quick Tips — your one stop shop for learning the ins and outs of the most advanced builder in WordPress! In WooCommerce Tips we're going to show you how to leverage many of the incredible features in Cornerstone when working with WooCommerce. Ready to build better shops? Go Pro.
Making it easy to add items to a cart is a foundational pillar to good ecommerce design. Thankfully, Cornerstone includes a great collection of Cart Elements, amongst other native WooCommerce features. In this video, we're going to show you an example of how to build a Custom Element for WooCommerce using all native Cornerstone features!
Not only is this a great example of the versatility and extensibility of Cornerstone, this real time count is a great flourish to help visitors see what is happing with their cart.