
October 28, 2022

Howdy Friends,

We’re continuing to work through feedback with our beta testers, and we are getting very close.

We’re currently on Beta 4, and we hope to only need one or two more rounds before we can begin the rollout to manual updates.

A big thank-you to everyone who has helped us test and get everything dialed in!


Some of you may notice that support has expired in your account. In 2015, Envato required all sellers to implement their new support policy, and this changed product support to 6 months with the option to renew or extend.

If you are an X customer, we are required to uphold those terms since we sell that product exclusively through their marketplace. You have the option extend product support through Envato or through your Themeco account.

For everyone else, we updated our terms in May of 2020 specifying that product support was included for 12 months. As a measure of goodwill, we extended support for an additional 2 years from that time for both X and Pro customers.

That period has now expired, and you may see a notice when logging into your account to renew support. If you have made a purchase within the past year you won't see the notice.

Keep in mind, we are only talking about product support and posting in the forums, not updates. You will continue to receive product updates as they are made available.


  1. You can renew support or subscribe to our One service that includes additional help with 3rd party plugins and customizations.
  2. You can buy a new single or unlimited license as that will extend your support.
  3. You can opt not to renew support, and you will continue to received product updates.

Pilot Program

We’ve been experimenting with a creative approach to building a custom website that includes the build, hosting, maintenance, and even unlimited changes…and we’re looking for a few real life guinea pigs.

It can be done with any theme, builder, or even platform!

If you or a client are interested in taking part or have a new website that needs to be built, please contact us directly. We have very limited spots available, so we won’t be able to accommodate everyone.

At this stage, we are only looking for projects that are fairly tight in scope and focus (1-10 pages). Translated, if you or your client are trying to recreate Amazon, this isn’t for you…at least not yet :)

Note, this is not a free service. Pricing will be discussed with those in the program, but it starts in the $1k range.


Finally, we’d love to hear your thoughts on docs. Specifically, do you prefer more written articles or video tutorials?

Within videos, do you prefer bite sized or longer form? Say a topic is particularly complex — would you rather see one long video with section breakouts or several shorter ones?

We know that there is a time and a place for both the written word and video, but we’d love to hear your different perspectives as we’re putting together docs for this next cycle and thinking more broadly around documentation as a whole.

Happy Fall,