April 24, 2014
The main purpose of this release is to ensure as much as possible that everything with our third party plugins are up to date and accounted for as much as possible. We understand that the recent string of Visual Composer updates have been problematic and want you to know that we've done everything we can to address these matters on the theme side of things (which isn't much, but we've at least tried to help troubleshoot these plugin issues as much as possible). Through our assistance on these issues, we have found that for the most part the v4.1.1.1 patch that was released by Visual Composer some days ago seems to have fixed most of the issues that were being caused in conjunction with WordPress v3.9. Visual Composer has just released v4.1.2 of their plugin and we have bundled that with this newest version of the theme.
v4.1.2 of Visual Composer is being described as a “WP 3.9 Compatibility Update,” and we are hoping that it fully address all of the issues that have been brought up by our users who are using Visual Composer along with WordPress v3.9 (even though v4.1.1.1 seems to have taken care of a majority of matters). The following list is taken directly from Visual Composer's changelog and outlines the updates made to this version of the plugin:
- PHP warning and notices in
. - Read more text in post grid is now translable.
- Autocomplete z-index in loop param increased.
- Tiny MCE get active editor logic improved.
and other helpers api functions are back to normal.- WP v3.9 select link in WYSIWYG editor works now.
- When default text is removed from WYSIWYG editor it will not be back on next edit.
On top of bundling this newest release of Visual Composer with the theme, we've also made some additions to the theme regarding the updating of third party plugins bundled with the theme (i.e. Visual Composer and Revolution Slider) in an effort to make this process easier for everyone. Going forward, once you have updated your theme to the newest version from ThemeForest, you should be notified to update these plugins from within the admin area. These notifications will appear as a prompt at the top of your WordPress admin area as well as the update badges that appear next to the Dashboard → Updates and Plugins links in your admin area. Once these update prompts become visible you will be able to automatically update your plugins with the newly bundled plugins included with the most recent version of the theme that you've upgraded to.
One thing to note about this new feature is that as we began incorporating it into the theme we actually happened to come across a bug in the WordPress core related to this automatic update process. This isn't anything to worry about as it won't interfere with your automatic updates, but if you happen to have debug mode turned on while WordPress is updating a particular transient, you might happen to see a warning message while attempting to update these bundled plugins. This occurs because the update system uses the WP_Cron
system to update a transient called update_plugins
. When WordPress is performing this update the error appears, otherwise it uses the cached version in the transient and happily continues on. We've actually opened up a Trac ticket that you can read through if you'd like to understand this situation in a little more detail. The main thing to take away from this is that it will not interfere with your third party plugin updates and these messages will only appear under a very specific set of circumstances. We simply wanted to make sure that we notified everyone of this for the sake of the small group that might actually encounter this warning to give them an idea of why it's happening and know that this is not a theme problem but related to a bug in the WordPress core.
We have plans to include this automatic update feature for the theme in the future as well, but it is a more extensive update and will require some time to work through all of the necessary features for this bit of functionality. At this time, updating your theme will follow the exact same process as outlined in the Updating Your Theme and Plugins article in the Knowledge Base.
X Shortcodes
This latest update of the shortcode plugin also includes an automatic update feature, which is independent of how the updates for Visual Composer and Revolution Slider mentioned above operate. What this means is that if we ever push out an update to the shortcode plugin before pushing out a new update to the theme, you will be notified of this in the WordPress admin area and be able to update the plugin at that time if desired. For the most part, we tend to bundle new releases of the shortcode plugin with the theme but this ultimately provides us with more flexibility in getting features or fixes out to you all faster if we need to.
- Shortcodes 2.2.1 - April 24, 2014
- Bugfix: Shortcode generator button not displaying in TinyMCE interface.
- X 1.8.4 - April 24, 2014
- Feature: Automatic update functionality for third party plugins bundled with the theme (e.g. Revolution Slider and Visual Composer).
- Updated: Visual Composer v4.1.2 support.
- Shortcodes 2.2.0 - April 24, 2014
- Feature: Automatic update functionality.
- Updated: File structure