March 5, 2019
Our latest round of major releases feature plenty of new improvements to both functionality and workflow including Dynamic Content, a revamped Skeleton Mode, nested rows and columns, alongside many other updates and bugfixes. Let's jump into it.
Dynamic Content Pro, Cornerstone
Without a doubt, the biggest addition to this release cycle is Dynamic Content, which fundamentally changes the way you are able to build out content throughout your site. Until now, all content added to your elements has been “hard coded” in. This means that you have to manually write in any piece of content for your page. For example, let's say you were building out a button that links to a specific product you have setup in WooCommerce:

Now let's say that you wanted to add the sale price to the first line to help incentivize someone to click on the offer:

You have always been able to handwrite these values in, but what about if you update the pricing down the road? What if you have 3 buttons on your page referencing this price? What if you have 15 buttons throughout your entire site referencing this price? Having to search down each individual button to update the price over and over again is not only tedious, but a huge waste of time. Dynamic content allows you to dynmaically pull values from your site's database to use throughout your site.
“So, how does it work?” I hear you asking. Well, let's take a look at the interface. Any input that accepts content throughout the builders now features the Dynamic Content button:

Clicking that button will reveal the Dynamic Content popup where you can see all of the types of Dynamic Content available:

At this time, the various macros available in Dynamic Content are as follows:
- Post – Includes information related to your post types such as titles, excerpts, featured images, published date and time, ID, meta, et cetera.
- Archive – Includes information related to your post type archives such as descriptions, URLs, meta, et cetera.
- User – Includes information related to users such as display names, email addresses, Gravatars, meta, et cetera.
- Global – Includes information related to your site such as the title, tagline, home URL, admin URL, current date and time, et cetera.
- ACF – Allows you to pull through meta information from the ACF plugin, which is required.
- Toolset – Allows you to pull through meta information from the Toolset plugin, which is required.
- WooCommerce – Allows you to pull through product and meta information from the WooCommerce plugin, which is required.
By default, clicking the button for a piece of Dynamic Content will output the most relevant piece of information. However, there might be times where you want to pull through a specific piece of content from a certain post, user, et cetera. To do this, clicking on the cog icon next to each item will reveal the edit pane for that piece of content:

Above, we can see that by default when using the Post Title Dynamic Content tag, it will pull through the title of the current post you're on. However, clicking into the dropdown will reveal that you can pull through other options such as the Previous Post:

Or you may wish to pull through the title from a Specific Post. In that case, an ID input will be revealed where you can specify the ID of the post you wish to pull the title from:

Each of these customization panes will look slightly different based on the item you're working on as it will reveal relevant information for that content.
Additionally, notice with all of these that the preview area next to the + updates itself to show you the actual syntax that will be placed in your inputs. As you use the tool, you may find that you remember certain pieces of syntax you use over and over, and in that case, you can simply type them directly into any input and bypass the picker completely (the picker is simply a tool to help guide users through making these selections).
Once you click the + button, the syntax shown in the preview will be appended to the input you were adding the Dynamic Content to. Some of the primary benefits of using this special syntax include:
- You can utilize multiple pieces of Dynamic Content within the same input.
- You can go back later and edit the content directly from the input without having to open the editor.
- If you use pieces of Dynamic Content over and over again and are familiar with their syntax, you can type them into an input directly without having to use the editor.
Finally, there are a few different places where you'll find the Dynamic Content button hanging out throughout the builders. The bottom right corner of the long-form text editors:

The upper right corner of the image controls:

That covers everything related to Dynamic Content. We look forward to seeing how our customers take hold of this new feature and utilize it out in the wild!
Floating Skeleton Mode Pro, Cornerstone
This release also introduces a revamp to our Skeleton Mode feature that allows for an improved workflow as well as some other builder features (which we will discuss later). Now, when clicking the Skeleton Mode button you will see a floating panel appear above your content:

This outline view differs from the previous Skeleton Mode, which depicted a visually simplified version of the page layout. For example, if you had a row with three columns it would show a stripped down view of that row with three columns side-by-side. While there were reasons for doing this initially, as the tool has grown its feature-set this has proved to be somewhat limiting in different ways. The updated Skeleton Mode allows users to more easily move content throughout longer pages:

Additionally, it unlocked the ability to drag and drop rows between sections (as well as move elements from one section to another more easily):

Furthermore, the outline view unlocked the ability for us to allow...
Nested Rows and Columns Pro, Cornerstone
That's right, you're reading things correctly...the builders now support nested rows and columns.

Sections, Rows, and Columns are still primarily managed via the Layout pane, but you can now drag in a Row Element into any Column from the Elements pane:

Additionally, Rows can be managed from within a Section's Inspector:

And Columns can be managed from within a Row's Inspector:

All of this ultimately means that there are many new workflows available to our users to be able to manage their document structure. We hope that everyone will find a lot of new opportunities to create with these opened up workflows and layouts.
New Extension: MailPoet Pro, X
This release also includes a new addition to our Extension ecosystem: MailPoet.

This incredible plugin allows you to send beautiful emails that reach inboxes every time, and create loyal subscribers. More than 300,000 websites are using MailPoet to keep in touch with their subscribers. MailPoet works seamlessly with your favorite CMS so you can start sending emails right now. Check out our demo page to see it in action!
Everything Else Pro, X, Cornerstone
In addition to all of the new features listed above, this update includes numerous updates and bugfixes, all of which can be seen in the sidebar. We are very happy to not only bring you a tremendous set of new tools and workflow enhancements, but to also round out a few rough edges and clean up some other items throughout our products. All in all, we're super pumped to finally get this round of updates out to you all and excited now that it's in your hands!
Finally, we'd like to offer up a big round of applause to our beta testers who are an invaluable resource to us with the amazing feedback they provide us while taking the time to scour through new features and find ways that things can be improved. A big Themeco “thank you” to each and every one of you for the time and energy you put into helping us put out the best versions of our products!
- X 6.5.6 - May 16, 2019
- Feature: Add Bulk Extension Manager.
- Updated: Move Portfolio and Custom Sidebar functionality into Cornerstone.
- Updated: Audit theme codebase to comply with new ThemeForest guidelines.
- Updated: Add rel="noopener noreferrer" on target="_blank" links if SSL is not in use.
- Bugfix: WordPress oEmbed responsive styling.
- Bugfix: Incorrect schema markup for individual comments.
- Cornerstone 3.5.5 - May 16, 2019
- Updated: Move Portfolio and Custom Sidebar functionality into Cornerstone.
- Updated: Add rel="noopener noreferrer" on target="_blank" links if SSL is not in use.
- Bugfix: Content not being searchable when built with V2 Content Builder elements.
- Bugfix: Inline editing not cleaning text pasted from MS Word.
- Bugfix: Pricing Table Column not allowing custom HTML for all text based fields.
- Bugfix: Inline editing link button not outputting the correct path for relative URLs.
- Bugfix: Yoast SEO content analyzer, keyphrase analyzer, and orphan filter, and link analzer (Yoast SEO premium) not working with element content.
- Pro 2.5.5 - March 20, 2019
- Bugfix: Ethos slider background image not showing on subfolder installs.
- Bugfix: Saving WPML translated posts causing builder data to be synced to the primary translation.
- Bugfix: Shrinking Bars getting smaller and smaller in mobile Safari.
- X 6.5.5 - March 20, 2019
- Bugfix: Ethos slider background image not showing on subfolder installs.
- Cornerstone 3.5.4 - March 20, 2019
- Bugfix: Saving WPML translated posts causing builder data to be synced to the primary translation.
- Pro 2.5.4 - March 14, 2019
- Bugfix: Element content being hidden in preview if you click to inspect while the mouse is moving.
- Bugfix: Template select overflowing past the insert button when long titles are present.
- Bugfix: Select preset showing placeholder value from another element when no presets area available.
- X 6.5.4 - March 14, 2019
- Updated: Update bundled file.
- Cornerstone 3.5.3 - March 14, 2019
- Bugfix: Application not loading on WordPress 4.9 or older.
- Bugfix: Clicking link with only
- Pro 2.5.3 - March 11, 2019
- Bugfix: WooCommerce Hide when cart empty setting not working.
- X 6.5.3 - March 11, 2019
- Bugfix: WooCommerce Hide when cart empty setting not working.
- Pro 2.5.2 - March 7, 2019
- Bugfix: Application not loading on WordPress 4.9 or older.
- Bugfix: Clicking link with only
- X 6.5.2 - March 7, 2019
- Updated: Update bundled file.
- Cornerstone 3.5.2 - March 7, 2019
- Bugfix: Application not loading on WordPress 4.9 or older.
- Bugfix: Clicking link with only
- Pro 2.5.1 - March 7, 2019
- Bugfix: Logo upload not working in Theme Options.
- Bugfix: PHP warning in custom sidebars.
- Bugfix: MEJS player outputting wrong order of advanced controls.
- Bugfix: Duplicate popover title when attribute is an empty string.
- X 6.5.1 - March 7, 2019
- Bugfix: PHP warning in custom sidebars.
- Cornerstone 3.5.1 - March 7, 2019
- Bugfix: Logo upload not working in Theme Options.
- Bugfix: MEJS player outputting wrong order of advanced controls.
- Bugfix: Duplicate popover title when attribute is an empty string.
- Pro 2.5.0 - March 5, 2019
- Feature: Dynamic Content.
- Feature: Floating Skeleton Mode.
- Feature: Nested Rows and Columns.
- Feature: MailPoet third party extension added.
- Updated: Add preference to used fixed navigation bar.
- Updated: Use add_theme_support("title-tag") instead of wp_title.
- Updated: Add Option to hide WooCommerce navigation menu if cart is empty (when using Classic Headers).
- Updated: Performance optimizations to avoid rendering on every keystroke.
- Updated: Holding Shift when inspecting a toggleable element (e.g. Modals) will not cause the element to open.
- Updated: Add x_after_body_begin hook.
- Updated: Add field_values support to Gravity Forms element.
- Updated: Add Post Type support to custom sidebars.
- Updated: Allow pasting values into the color picker without hash prefix.
- Bugfix: WordPress 5.1 compatibility issue causing Headers and Footers to become corrupted if they have a target="_blank" anchor tag in custom text.
- Bugfix: Builder not launching when trying to edit a MemberPress membership.
- Bugfix: Remove additional itemscope attribute in breadcrumb anchor.
- Bugfix: Gravity Forms date picker not working inside modal content.
- Bugfix: Background image not fading out at configured time.
- Bugfix: PHP notice in Quote element when citation not set.
- Bugfix: Slider showing in search results.
- Bugfix: Elements created from a default preset staying syncronized until the first save.
- Bugfix: Move tooltip and popover JS to $.csTooltip to avoid conflicts.
- Bugfix: Conflict with ACF preventing menu item custom fields from saving.
- Bugfix: Color picker value staying black if first click is on the hue slider.
- Bugfix: Issues preventing builders from working in IE11.
- Bugfix: Add filter to prevent preview from crashing when WPML string translation is active.
- X 6.5.0 - March 5, 2019
- Feature: MailPoet third party extension added.
- Updated: Use add_theme_support("title-tag") instead of wp_title.
- Updated: Changes introduced to be compliant with updated ThemeForest review criteria.
- Updated: Add Option to hide WooCommerce navigation menu if cart is empty.
- Updated: Add x_after_body_begin hook.
- Updated: Add Post Type support to custom sidebars.
- Updated: Allow pasting values into the color picker without hash prefix.
- Bugfix: Remove additional itemscope attribute in breadcrumb anchor.
- Bugfix: Gravity Forms date picker not working inside modal content.
- Bugfix: Background image not fading out at configured time.
- Bugfix: Slider showing in search results.
- Cornerstone 3.5.0 - March 5, 2019
- Feature: Dynamic Content.
- Feature: Floating Skeleton Mode.
- Feature: Nested Rows and Columns.
- Updated: Add preference to used fixed navigation bar.
- Updated: Performance optimizations to avoid rendering on every keystroke.
- Updated: Holding Shift when inspecting a toggleable element (e.g. Modals) will not cause the element to open.
- Updated: Add field_values support to Gravity Forms element.
- Bugfix: Builder not launching when trying to edit a MemberPress membership.
- Bugfix: PHP notice in Quote element when citation not set.
- Bugfix: Elements created from a default preset staying syncronized until the first save.
- Bugfix: Move tooltip and popover JS to $.csTooltip to avoid conflicts.
- Bugfix: Conflict with ACF preventing menu item custom fields from saving.
- Bugfix: Color picker value staying black if first click is on the hue slider.
- Bugfix: Issues preventing builders from working in IE11.
- Bugfix: Add filter to prevent preview from crashing when WPML string translation is active.
- 05/16: X 6.5.6 available via manual updates. This release is to address changes in ThemeForest compatibility guidelines. The respective changes will be included in Pro as part of the next cycle (currently in development).
- 03/20: Pro 2.5.5, X 6.5.5 and Cornerstone 3.5.3 available via automatic updates.
- 03/14: Pro 2.5.4, X 6.5.4 and Cornerstone 3.5.3 available via automatic updates.
- 03/11: Pro 2.5.3 and X 6.5.3 available via automatic updates.
- 03/07: Pro 2.5.2, X 6.5.2, and Cornerstone 3.5.2 available via automatic updates.
- 03/07: Pro 2.5.1, X 6.5.1, and Cornerstone 3.5.1 available via automatic updates.
- 03/06: Pro 2.5.0, X 6.5.0, and Cornerstone 3.5.0 available via automatic updates.
- 03/05: Pro 2.5.0, X 6.5.0, and Cornerstone 3.5.0 available via manual updates.
The following confirmed issues are specific to this cycle. If listed here we are planning to address it in a subsequent point release. Items will be crossed off as they are corrected and you will see corresponding notes in the changelog above.
Ethos post slider images not showing on subfolder installs.(fixed in fifth point release)When saving WPML translated content it synchronizes element data from the primary translation.(fixed in fifth point release)Clicking to inspect an element while the mouse was still moving would occasionally cause the element to be hidden until moved or edited again.(fixed in fourth point release)WooCommerce Hide cart when empty always hiding cart.(fixed in third point release)Cornerstone/Pro application does not launch on WordPress 4.9 or older.(fixed in second point release)Clicking the + to open the header widget area in Theme Options causes a preview error.(fixed in second point release)Popovers display duplicate content if the title attribute is an empty string.(fixed in first point release)Image uploader (e.g. Site Logo) in Theme Options does not add the image.(fixed in first point release)PHP Warning for(fixed in first point release)array_key_exists
function appears when using custom sidebars.