Hi Christian, do you have an update yet?
Hey @cdelagarza,
Your suspicion is right. It is the number of layouts that affected the assignment. As to why though, we are currently investigating.
So for now, this has no solution but to rethink how you’ll going to approach showing unique content per post.
One way to achieve that is to use a combination of a Custom Single Post layout using the Layout Builder and Dynamic Content.
Thank you for understanding.
Do you have any idea or plan how to fix this?
There is a lot of content and bringing it all into other formats would mean a disproportionate amount of work just because there is a max cap?
Hey @cdelagarza,
Regretfully, we have no idea yet as to what can improve this.
Also, there is no max cap per se but rather a limitation by the server. As an example, other servers could power thousands of WordPress posts but a shared host could handle a hundres.
Anyway, it’s really not recommended to have a specific layout per post. I understand it would take you some time and work to scratch your current setup and use the Layout Builder but there is nothing we could do for now.
Thank you for understanding.
So this is a problem of the hosting / provider? What can I say or ask them to override the limit?
Don’t get me wrong, the client just booked a pretty decent server package which should have quite enough power to handle this.
I don’t really get this, sorry. What do you recommend instead?
I don’t know any other way to display blog content with x/pro.
What other way could be viable? Using a single layout but different global blocks?
Hello there, not from themeco but was interested in your subject.
Layout is used mostly for content that will repeat over and over.
If all of your posts are different, you could just build one with PRO.
Under PRO Settings, you need to check “articles or Posts” in order to see the “edit with PRO” when building a new Post. Then you just need to build it with pro. If it is a matter of speed, you can just build it once, save the whole post as a preset, and then apply a preset everytime you have one more article/post to publish.
I don’t know if this is clear, but i’m running multiple websites that are displaying a lot of article/posts and everything run smoothly, so you should be fine !
Hey @cdelagarza,
Right now we couldn’t say it as we haven’t found the exact cause of this issue. Maybe there’s something we need to improve.
Yes, use the Layout Builder >> Single Layout. Not Global Blocks though. I’d recommend the use of ACF Pro to hold post specific content. You can learn more about ACF Pro and how to output data in the builder in the videos below:
- Loopers: Getting Started with ACF Pro
- Loopers: Setting up an ACF Pro Gallery
- Loopers: Nesting Repeaters with ACF Pro
Hope that helps.
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