Transfer Pro Unlimited Account

I need to transfer my pro unlimited account and the website licenses attached to another Themeco account. Essentially I’d like to merge two accounts. What do I need to do to make this happen?

Hello Matt,

Thanks for writing in! You can log in to the other Themeco account and unlock the license code. Once the license code is unlocked, you can add it to the other Themeco account where you want to merge the licenses.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

That option does not seem to be available to me. I license isn’t displayed for any of my sites listed. I’m trying to transfer my entire pro unlimited account to a different email address that is already in use with other licenses.

Hey Matt,

Would you mind sharing the information about your other account? We will coordinate this matter with our developer.

Just want to let you know that there is no option to transfer Pro unlimited in your themeco account, this would need some assistance with our developer.

Thank you.

How do I provide that information without doing so publicly?

Hey Matt,

You can create a secure note in your next reply with the Themeco info:

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works



Secure note

Hey Matt,

You have the lifetime Pro unlimited subscription while the other account has the X theme licenses. I would personally suggest that you unlock those X theme licenses and add them to the other account. Having it that way would be much faster and easier. We can change your username and email address afterward.

Hope this makes sense.

It makes sense. The problem is that I need to change the email address on the account that has PRO and change it to the email address on the account that has the stand alone licenses. I think I’ll just need to open a different email address to change the PRO account to. Seems like an opportunity for you guys to build an account merge feature into your system. I can’t be the only one that has had this situation pop up. Thanks for the guidance nonetheless.

Hi Matt,

We’ll note on your feedback. By the way, we can exchange those email addresses as well if needed.


I’m trying to unlock the single licenses and transfer them to the account that has the pro license but there is no lock icon available to unlock the licenses. How should I proceed? I’ve tried in a couple of difference browsers and I do not see a way to unlock those licenses.

Hello Matt,

As I have mentioned in my previous reply, it is best that you unlock the X theme licenses because that is where you can find the unlock icon.

  • See the secure note below.

We can then update the email addresses later on.


Yes, I understand that. But what I’m saying is that my account does not have the option to unlock. That icon you’re show me is not available on my end. I’ve tried logging from multiple browsers and that icon just does not appear. Secure not attached with screenshot of what I’m seeing on my end.

Hello Matt,

The Direct Support has expired on that account. This is why you cannot unlock the licenses. You can extend Direct Support for 6 months or 12 months or subscribe to our One service. This will not only help you with product questions but also 3rd party plugin support and even customizations and custom code! This is a great service for those needing help with questions that may go outside the scope of normal support, and you’ll have the added benefit of being able to manage all communications with our team via email and a special button that will show in your account. You can see all of your history in one place.

Finally, if you purchase a new Pro Single or Pro Unlimited license, subscribe to Max, or purchase a Bundle, this also includes support for your account.


So, you’re saying that I can’t unlock licenses that I’ve already paid for unless I pay an additional fee to do so? Essentially, I have to pay $59 every six months to have the ability to unlock licenses?

Hey Matt,

You are not prevented from using the license, however, they can’t be transferred if support has expired on the account.


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