Hello please see here: https://standupworld.com/ we are using the Dynamic Posts (Minimal) block in 3 columns
When I compare it to the actual archive masonry there are 3 issues I am trying to resolve. Display featured images at proper dimensions (no cropping), Display a video post with the actual video (not featured image). Display quotes as Quotes only (hide the missing featured image)
Basically I am trying to mimic default behavior of Pro Theme post archives:
- How do we keep the original image dimensions for the featured image to scale:
Dynamic Posts (Minimal) default:
Note the image is being cropped, not displaying full dimensions
Pro Theme Default:
Pro theme “Video” post
Dynamic Posts (Minimal) default:
Shows Featured image rather than embedded video
Pro Theme Default:
Embeds Youtube video where Featured image would be when post type “Video” is selected
Dynamic Posts (Minimal) default:
Pro Theme Default: