Dynamic Posts (Minimal) - How to keep original featured image dimensions. allow video/quotes

Hello please see here: https://standupworld.com/ we are using the Dynamic Posts (Minimal) block in 3 columns

When I compare it to the actual archive masonry there are 3 issues I am trying to resolve. Display featured images at proper dimensions (no cropping), Display a video post with the actual video (not featured image). Display quotes as Quotes only (hide the missing featured image)

Basically I am trying to mimic default behavior of Pro Theme post archives:

  1. How do we keep the original image dimensions for the featured image to scale:
    Dynamic Posts (Minimal) default:

Note the image is being cropped, not displaying full dimensions

Pro Theme Default:

Pro theme “Video” post

Dynamic Posts (Minimal) default:
Shows Featured image rather than embedded video

Pro Theme Default:
Embeds Youtube video where Featured image would be when post type “Video” is selected


Dynamic Posts (Minimal) default:

Pro Theme Default:

Hello @standupworld,

Thanks for writing to us.

The default Pro posts layout is different from the preset Dynamic Posts (Minimal). In case you want to make the Dynamic Posts (Minimal) element layout the same as the Pro default layout you need to customize the stying of the preset elements.

For example, If you compare the featured image from the Pro default layout and Post Element layout there is padding & border on the Post Element layout whereas there is no padding and border on the Default Pro layout.

Hope it helps

Hello what I need to know is how to make featured images not be cropped and retain their proper ratio, and how to display videos rather than featured images. Is this possible?

Hello @standupworld,

By default, the featured image size is full. You may set the featured image size in the dynamic content {{dc:post:featured_image_id size="medium"}} .

In Pro 4 and Cornerstone 5, we have a way to apply a thumbnail size in some cases but it’s a bit of a workaround.

  • Under preferences, enable the Dev Console.
  • Inspect an Image element and open the console
  • Look for image_source and enter {{dc:post:featured_image_id size="medium"}} That size attribute accepts any thumbnail size and will default to full if not set.

This should work for any of the image controls in the builder but because it is just retrieving the attachment ID you can use it for any inline <img> tags that you add directly to your content.

As I mentioned in the above posts you need to customize the element style, if you check the Figure DIV element there is a custom height.

To display the video you need to add the video element. If you have added the iframe to your posts then you need to call this dynamic content code here inside the video element.

Embedded Video Code
{{dc:post:meta key="_x_video_embed"}}

Test-Page-Builder-Pro (43)

If you have added a self-hosted MP4 video then you need to add this code.

MP4 video code
{{dc:post:meta key="_x_video_m4v"}}

Test-Page-Builder-Pro (44)

Hope it helpsc

Hello I think you misunderstood, I simply want the image to retain it’s original ratio. The theme is cropping it and not allowing the image to show when using Dynamic Posts (minimal)

But the default Pro theme doesn’t crop it, it resizes it with the full image just scaled properly in a grid:

How do I get the default Pro theme full image scaled to appear in Dynamic Posts (minimal)

I hope this clears up the request.

All I am trying to accomplish is having default Pro theme archive look, feel, style for my homepage and I can’t get it

Hello Michael,

Please select the Image element and do the following:

  • Set the “Object Fit” property to use "Contain"

  • And then set the height to "auto"

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Hello thank you for helping but it’s still cropping:

This is the same post in the default archive:

You can see both here:
Home feed:

Archive (how I want it all to function)

Hi Michael,

It seems that in Archive Page the image height is set to the 44vh which is the reason behind your issue. I would suggest you set the height to 100vh and check if that resolve your problem.


OK close! But now how do I get it to fill the space. It’s scaling properly but small:

Hi Michael,

I have checked and found that you have set the image height to 45vh and object-fit to contain. I would suggest you set the object-fit to fill and adjust the height accordingly.

Hope it helps.

Doing this constrains the image ratio and squeezes the image in and out based on screen width:

Would it be possible to have you go in, I feel this should really be a default behavior - mimic the thing we’ve become accustomed (archive masonry) to and can now customize.

There is some mechanism I cannot find that resizes the dimensions based on screen width.

All I am trying to do is get the default look and feel of the archives we have been using for years to be the way this functions.

Hi Michael,

It actually happens because you are forcing the image height to override its aspect ratio. I would suggest you mention the image size as suggested by my colleague Prakash or else you can set the static height from size option of image element.

Hope it helps.

He said “set the height accordingly” I don’t understand what that means. I want to have the image ratio match the image and fill the space. What seetings will do this across each viewpoint?

Sorry its me in another account I think I have 25 names on here

As he typed it I still have bizarre cropping:

This is a very long thread to simply accomplish a default view of Pro theme. Can the specific settings be stated to emulate/mimic the default Pro theme output: Stand-up World Archive | Stand Up World

The image fills the space perfectly, video plays instead of a featured image, quotes look like quotes. I don’t understand why we can take the default view and work from that as a template?

Please can a .tco of this be pushed here?

Hello Michael,

The default Portfolio page is currently having a bug. it does not display correctly. It can be temporarily fix using the suggested solution in this thread:

The default Portfolio page, it is using a Masonry grid. We do not have a .tco file for this default page because this was created before Cornerstone and utilizes the custom-built WordPress page template.

By the way, setting the height of the Figure element to auto, the minimum height to 0 and the maximum to none should resolved your image size issue. If you can provide me your WP details, I might be able to fully inspect your other settings since you also have added something in it which is now making it different from the original Post Minimal dynamic element. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
– WP username
– WP password
– WP Administrator Role
- Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works

Thank you in advance.

Hello thank you much, I posted the secure note to my last reply.

Hey Michael,

To mimic the design of the archive page, I have made the changes to your website.

In your post element, I change the padding from 1 to 0.

In your figure, I change the min width to 0, max width to none, height to auto, min height to 0 and max height to none.

In your image element, I change the object fit to cover and set the height to auto.

and add padding to your title and excerpt. As you can see the featured image is now working properly on the frontend.

You can now replicate the same steps to your column 2 and column 3.

Hope that helps.

Hi thank you so much. While you are in there, can you look at the 1st column “video” embed, I tried to mimic what you said and it’s not outputting a video when a video post is the selection. Thanks so much for the help

Here is an example:

from homepage feed

Here is Archive:

We’d prefer to have the video play where featured image is like the archives do