BUG Pro 6.0.7 - Classic Gravity Forms

So for more than 18 months there was a bug in the new form element that meant Gravity forms did not work with Ajax. (Possible more than 2 years…)

This meant we either needed to use the classic element or the shortcode.

I’ve pretty much used the classic element a loads of sites.

With the upgrade from Pro 5.1.5 to Pro 6 the connection to the form is lost and we need to manually go and reattach the form.

I brought this up here but the issue is still present when upgrading from Pro 5 to Pro 6.0.7

I’m sometimes getting an error about the element being undefined. In these instances I’ve activated all Classic Elements in the settings which seems to help. That said not sure if just refreshing the page would help.

Another scenario, which seems to be more common, is where the element loses the attachment to the form where it is the first form in the list.

So if you have only one form the attachment is lost or if you have multiple forms all the forms are fine except the first one.

I also brought this up early in the betas.

Not exactly the same but here is my original post. Perhaps it is part of a similar issue as it also involved the first form on the list.

Internally we’re working on figuring out the upgrade bug.
I believe I fixed the issue where it was loading a new form if you added a new form. I’ll be taking a look at Gravity forms at some point.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, have a great day!

Just wanted to circle back to this.

Had a site that was affected by this when upgraded from Pro 5 to Pro 6.0. Fixed it manually and now just upgraded the site from Pro 6.0.7 to Pro 6.1.5 and had the same issues.


Which one. The Ajax issue or the form resets itself if you create a new one?