Possible Bug - Upgrade Pro 5.1.5 to Pro 6.0.3 Classic Gravity Form Element

In Pro 5.1.5 ajax was broken for Gravity forms in the V2 form element. As such all my sites are using the Classic Gravity Forms element.

When upgrading from Pro 5.1.5 to Pro 6.0.3 the Classic Gravity Forms element loses the link to the form.

The end result is that all pages where there used to be a Gravity Contact form no long contains the form. I then have to go to each page in the site and reconnect the form to the element.

Hey @urchindesign,

I have replicated the issue on my test site, so this is possibly a bug. I’ll post this in our issue tracker so this case will be queued to be checked by our development team.

For now, you need to manually set the Classic Gravity Forms again.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

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