X Theme Fatal Error

Please help restore my page to previous version, the update is causing a white page fatal error.

Hello @AllyPlans,

In case you want to restore the previous version of the theme I would suggest you please go to the Themeco account dashboard and download the previous version.

If it doesn’t work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • FTP login details

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Secure reply sent, please review and advise. thank you

Hello @AllyPlans,

Please share the FTP login details or copy your live site to the staging server and share the admin and FTP of the staging server so that we can debug it without breaking your live site. You can ask your hosting provider for the FTP login details. In case you have no idea about how to move the live site to the staging server.


FTP Login details shared in a secured note. thank you.

Hello @AllyPlans,

I checked your Themeco account dashboard it seems that you have a separate license for the Cornerstone page builder plugin only. Please note you don’t have an X theme license. I am not sure how you have got the older version of the X theme. Please note older version of the theme and the new version of Cornerstone would have a version compatibility issue. I also noticed that you are using the recent version of WordPress as well, it might cause the compatibility issue as well. I would suggest you purchase the X theme license or Pro theme license to avoid the version compatibility issue.

Alternatively, you can restore your site database and files on the previous date when the website was working for you. You can contact your hosting provider to restore the files and database in back date.


Ok, I’ll try that, thank you

You are most welcome, @AllyPlans.

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