WPML + Components not working

Me and my customers fell in love with the parameters. So in fact we are building a site where all pages are built completely upon components and parameter data.

Now I discovered a problem with WPML. It seems all parameter data gets overwritten with the primary language content under certain situations. For example:

  • Open the translated page in the WPML translation editor and just click the Complete (save) button.
  • But also when I do some changes in the Yoast meta description in the WordPress page editor in the translated page – when I save the page, the parameter data gets overwritten.

I already tried some settings in WPML with no luck:

  • to deactivate all post/page synchronizing settings
  • tried every translation setting (ignore, copy, copy-once, translation) for the _cornerstone_data custom field
  • also tried to add a custom XML configuration in WPML like:
           <custom-field action="ignore">_cornerstone_data</custom-field>

Is there a setting I am missing? Or is this a bug?

I would also like to emphasize that this is a very important feature.
I love the whole components and parameters system and it could really be a game changer in using
WordPress. But with multilingual sites and WPML you can’t use it. Since my customer has just edited all meta descriptions with Yoast, all(!) english translations are lost now :confused:

I also Tested this on a fresh local WordPress installation with Pro 6.3.9.

Best René

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Sorry to bump this up again. But this is quite important for everyone using parameters and WPML.
Currently you cannot use parameters and WPML together!

Can you please give assistance on this issue or at least let me know, if this is investigated?

I found this closed topic:

Is it possible that this function might solve the problem?

add_action("cs_before_save_request", function() {

But if I understand right this fix is already implemented into Pro?

Hey Raye,

Thanks for reaching out!

Just want to let you know that I got a word from our developer and the parameters don’t work with WPML. I’ll add this as feature request so that it will be taken into action in the future.

Just do note that our developer also said that they will reach out WPML at some point and see what they say.

Thank you for understanding.

Thank you @marc_a for the update. So I know it is on your radar.

Hi Raye,

Yes, our development team is aware of it now.


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