Language Display Issue on Layout Webpages: Urgent Attention Needed

We’ve got a critical issue on our website affecting the layout pages. (Pro is updated to the latest version available 6.4.5)

Currently, all our layouts default to German on front end, even though we’ve got English and Spanish translations available. This issue is affecting only layout types, displaying in German on the front end despite having EN & ES versions in the editor:

We tried the following:

  • Toggling possible plugins w.r.t translations
  • Create layout from scratch
  • Importing layout
  • Clear all types of cache

Any ideas on how we can address this issue?

Hey @planet,

what language plugin do you use? WPML? Polylang?
What does this mean: Toggling possible plugins w.r.t translations? What is w.r.t translations?

PS: me and my kids planted some trees with you guys some years ago in our city. Hope your project is runnig fine. Oh, and your chocolate is one of the best! :smiley:

Hey Raye,

We use WPML Multilingual CMS

With toggling translation plugins, I meant disabling the WPML plugins (w.r.t = with respect to).

Could you share some possible solutions to fix this. It’s a little urgent.

PS: Thank you for your kind words! It’s wonderful to hear from you. Our project is indeed going strong, and we’re happy that you and your kids were part of our tree-planting initiative. And we’re delighted that you enjoy our chocolate! Your continued support means a lot to us. :blush::deciduous_tree::chocolate_bar:

Hey @planet

I have been in some topics lateley about WPML support
like here: WPML issue: correct language in editor, wrong or original site language on newly edited pages in live version
and here: WPML + Components not working

It seems currently WPML does not support all features of Pro Theme. In fact I have sites where I needed to completely switch to Polylang (which I like much more, cause it is not such a “huge beast” like WPML).

Unfortunateley WPML support seems to be a big one and it is not clear, what timeframe we can expect a fully working WPML (or an official Polylang) support again.

I found no workarounds for my WPML troubles. The switch to Polylang was the only working solution for a multilanguage site I have found currently.

Noted. Thanks for responding.

By any chance, do we have a guide on a smooth transition from WPML to Polylang on Pro?

Hey @planet,

Regretfully, we don’t have any guide from converting WPML to Polylang. On the other hand, regarding your WPML issue our developer said it would be best to reach out WPML support because they seems have a solution to Pro integration.

Thank you.


If you get a solution from WPML it would be great to post it here. There are quite a few here that are looking forward for any hints regarding WPML integration.

Furthermore, if you want to go the Polylang way or at least want to test a Polylang solution I can help you since I’m working as a freelancer. If this is interesting for you just drop me a line at

Thanks for responding, will take an appropriate action and reach out if needed.

You are most welcome.

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