Updating Messed Up My Website

Hello there,

When I updated PRO theme to the latest version 6.2.6 on my staging website, I noticed that a few of my pages disappeared…

Here’s a few:

  • Shop
  • Cart Page
  • Account Page

What should I do to get this fixed?

I will attach URLs below:

Because I saw that there are some issues with 6.2.2 WORDPRESS

Hello @Kata789,

Thanks for writing to us.

It might be the issue of cache or plugin conflict issue. I would suggest you please clear the cache from the cornerstone—>Settings —>Clear System Cache.

I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings.

If it doesn’t work, I would suggest you follow these steps.

  1. Activate the default theme of WordPress and deactivate the Pro theme
  2. Delete the Pro theme
  3. Download the fresh copy of the Pro theme from the Themeco account dashboard
  4. Reinstall the Pro theme

If none of those work, It would be best if you could copy your live website to your staging area. and send your details in a secure note so that we can investigate your setting without breaking your live site. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • FTP Details

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Hi Prakash,

I did the steps you told me to, but it doesn’t seem to work, should I just simply recreate the shop again with the new pro version and assign it to the /shop/ page?

Hello @Kata789,

You may create a layout for these pages but at the moment Pro custom layouts are not rendering, the default layout is rendering. Please make sure you have assigned the layout to these pages.


Can you record me a video of how I should do it? Just a example

Because in the older version it was much easier to do all this and I’m still confused with the newer version

Hello Katarina,

To prevent any further conflict, please provide us with your staging site. We need to figure out why the pages were missing first. It could just be a setting or custom code in the child theme that changed after the updates.

Best Regards.

Here’s a temporary login below:

I have noticed that somehow by itself it fixed the following pages I had the issues with… the pages appeared

Just the /cart/ page is messed up…

Hi Katarina,

I have checked the cart page and it looks fine, if you are still facing the issue please provide any screenshot marked with the issue to help us to recognize the problem.


The /cart/ page looks like this:

Originally it should look like this:

Hi Katarina,

It seems that you have assigned a Single Layout to the cart page. You need to create and assign a WooCommerce Single Layout to the cart page as shown in the given screenshot.

Hope it helps.

1 Like

Hi Tristup,

I went ahead to the Single Layout page that I created for the cart and saved as Template.

And created a WooCommerce Single Layout and Inserted the Cart Template page and assigned with the conditions things and now it works!

Thank you for the help

1 More question not related to this topic,

Why does my cart circle transparent? I noticed on older version of PRO it is not transparent

How to fix this? https://prnt.sc/dufunuxV3aWT

Hi Katarina,

The cart item count circle is not transparent, as its z-index is lesser than the cart icon, and the background color is lighter it looks like that.


Oh okay, when I added z-index: 5 it looks perfect!

Also 1 more question, sorry

How do I make the 0 text in cart to disappear, only when something in cart “1” order to appear?
The circle and 0

Following up from this article:

Hi Katarina,

It is not possible to integrate what you are expecting. If you still want that, I would suggest you hire a developer who can assist you to do the customization or you can avail of our newly launched service called TOTAL CARE, where we offer small customizations


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