Response to another ticket 107235

i found the master file that use to have to be imported to x it imported but the tempaltes file to load

Hey there,

In that case, we need to test your site so kindly provide the following info in a Secure Note

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.


would you be willing to use a proxy ip? i would have to turn off my server protection server wide

Hey @verobeachmarketing,

It would be best to turn off the protection while we are going to investigate the issue.

Thank you.

Hey @verobeachmarketing,

You seem to have changed the WP admin URL. May we know what is this new URL?

  • See the secure not below

Thank You.

you will have to add the following text to your hosts file in order to see the development website

to you /etc/hosts file

the live site is WIX

i have created for you so you will not needs the hosts file now you can login

Hi @verobeachmarketing,

Which template file do you want to install? When I create a page/post and insert a template, I do not encounter any issues.


i have the same problem, cannot insert any page template

i have a screenshot but it won’t let me upload claiming 4mg max but it is 1.2 mg

Hi @verobeachmarketing,

I was able to replicate the issue on your site. It returns an internal server error.
Can you try to update the PHP version to at least PHP 8?


why would other sites on the server using pro theme work? about 30+

upgraded to php 8 as request and have the same result

i looked at the page you made and you were able to install a section tempalte but not a full page themplatte under the themco tab

see my screenshot

the solution was defining this in the wp config…

define('FS_METHOD', 'direct')

this is something new with your most recent update as i have never encountered this before

Hello @verobeachmarketing,

Your server disallowed it by default which is why it has to be explicitly added to the wp-config.php file.


but this hasn’t been an issue up until 3 weeks ago so it must have to do with the latest version of pro

Hey @verobeachmarketing,

We will have our developers check on our servers as well.

Please bear with us.

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