Open_basedir errors

On I get a lot of errors. On all my websites with pro or cornerstone. How can I solve this problem?

Warning : file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/definition.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/triade/:/tmp/:/var/tmp/:/usr/local/php74/lib/:/usr/local/php54/lib/:/usr/local/php55/lib/:/usr/local/php56/lib/:/usr/local/php70/lib/:/usr/local/php71/lib/:/usr/local/php72/lib/:/usr/local/lib/php/) in /home/triade/domains/ on line 218

I am having the same issue on my website. Overnight it seemed to have started.

Hi @macvink,

Thanks for reaching out.
It might be the issue with open_basedir settings in your PHP configuration. I would suggest you go through the following articles on this

Hope it helps.

what changed to cause this issue?
i have same problem and not able to fix it???

Hey @larryk,

There could be a server configuration that has been changed. It is best that you contact your hosting provider and ask for further assistance. They should be able to help and explain to you why this error message is displaying on your site.

Best Regards.

Thanks. I called my hosting company and they did some configuration changes in the server setup and now it works. Yes, indeed something related to open_basedir. All websites on the server are up and running well.

Hi @macvink,

Glad that it is resolved now and thank you for confirming it.


Hi everyone,

We’ve corrected this and the warning will not output in the next release of Cornerstone and Pro. The warning itself is harmless and there won’t be any adverse effects on the site. Meanwhile, you can avoid seeing it by disabling WP_DEBUG or adjusting the PHP configuration as described above.


Hi Alexander,

I am having the same issue with our website. (as listed on the top)
To fast solve the problem i stepped down to php 5.6 (from php 7.4).

This helps to view the frontend of the page without any displayed errors. However i cannot step into the admin-section of the page without deactivating cornerstone.

I tried to change the open_basedir settings but that doesn’t work via an ftp client or phpmyadmin. (i don’t know why).
Disabling the wp_debug doesn’t help either.

My hosting provider cannot help.

Any ideas what i can do until the next version of cornerstone arrives?

Could i downgrade to the previous version of cornerstone???

Thanks so much in advance

Hi Christian,

Unfortunately, there is no alternative solution to this. I would suggest you try adding the following code into your wp-config.php to suppress the warnings temporarily.

define('WP_DEBUG', false);
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', false);
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
@ini_set('display_errors', 0);

If that does not help, I would request you revert all the settings, Theme and PHP version to that which it was working previously.

Hope it helps.

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Hi tristup,

i added that code. Unfortunately it only stops showing me what kind of an error occurs. But that error is still there and prevents the BackEnd from Loading. I can only step into the backend by using the wordpress recovery mode (which means the same as deactivating all plugins)

Seems that no solution is available. So can you estimate when the next cornerstone update will arrive???

Thanks so much

Hi Staff,

here is another one that i found:

[13-Jul-2021 10:45:45 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method ReflectionParameter::getType() in /var/www/web135/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/cornerstone/includes/classes/Plugin.php on line 105

Does this help to find a solution???

Greetings :slight_smile:

Hi Christian,

It has been found that the problem starts after upgrading the PHP version from 7.4.20 to 7.4.21, I would suggest you downgrade the PHP version 7.2 or 7.3 will resolve your issue temporarily.



I also had the problem the first time on a server with PHP 7.4.

The solution from tristup with suppress the errors helped, but the hoster looked at the code and asked if the warning is realy neccessary to put on front end?

Hi @Regnalf,

Thanks for the information. Our development team has already fixed the issue and the warning will not output in the next release of Cornerstone and Pro.


But should we customers fix this opendir issue on our side or not?

Would it improve anything if we would do anything about it?

Hi @Ravi,

You can add the code mentioned in the earlier post to suppress the issue temporarily or downgrade the PHP version till the updated theme is released with the fix.


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