Feedback on the poll

Hey there,

I have some further feedback based on the poll you’re running if you don’t mind :grin:

Regarding the slider improvements, please also consider a slow down on hover feature in addition to the proposed pause on hover.

There are still a couple of big elements missing from Pro that I think would be great to have. These include a gallery element, a proper native lightbox feature and a tooltip feature. Didn’t see anything about these in the poll but the gallery and lightbox have been requested before several times.

Doesn’t hurt to ask, maybe they fit in the development roadmap as well :sunglasses:


I definitely second a gallery element, esp one that can link with dynamic data from ACF galleries… it would need masonry layout for sure


+1 for all of that. gallery, popup and form element are already a long wish and have often been requested :slight_smile: would be really awesome if this could be implemented


I agree on the Lightbox. It is one of the more pressing issues.

Pro still has the iLighbox script packed, which was abandoned in 2017.

A Themeco-native, modern, performant and accessible lightbox solution was discussed earlier. it would be great if it was somewhere higher in the roadmap.


I agree some of these elements could have been added into the poll.

Frankly sliders scored pretty low, but I will add that to a request and mention in the next poll. So my plan there is just to fix the slider dragging issues for V6.4 and split sliders to it’s own build file.

We also regret not adding a Parameter builder poll item and adding it to the “Toggle control” line item. We think that could have had it fairing better.

I’ll keep all this mind, plan is just to do one or two of the top results for this poll. Then move onto the next one minor release.


Gallery for me too

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Now I wonder what the two top results are… I’m guessing Integrate a Template Engine like Twig to allow for math, loops, and advanced content filtering in dynamic content and More advanced Query Builder and more Looper Provider types.

Anyway, hopefully some of the items from this thread can somehow fit in one of the minor releases. The gallery seems to be quite popular :grin:

I imagine it could be as “simple” as a prefab element that has some logic to easily pipe in WordPress galleries and perhaps ACF galleries

A decent gallery would make sense as a Max plugin :slight_smile:

I’d honestly like a more solid integration with Woo…

Also the ability to do the basic thing more easily which would appeal to the more average Pro user. More basic things done easily could also potentially help grow the user base. It isn’t necessarily that things can’t be done, it is just the time the things take to get done. Small things that would speed up the work flow would be a win.

As an example, one thing that comes up time and again is pulling out only parent categories for a list whether from the Post categories, the Woo categories or a CPT taxonomy. Easy enough with a custom looper or query string but would just be more simple if it was an option people could choose.

Another example of this for me is background image positioning. Quite often I need to adjust the background position of a background image. This isn’t possible with Pro without custom media queries and custom CSS. While it is super simple for me to do it takes additional time. If there were responsive settings for this it would save time.

My opinion is that Pro allows us to extend things way beyond the basics and does this well. This is probably the biggest reason I use Pro. Where it misses things is it is not easy for less advanced users to do the basics.

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I respectfully disagree, it should be part of Pro for everyone. It’s a basic element that most people expect and most website builders include.

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It was more of a tongue in cheek comment… I don’t really think it should be a max plugin but I do think, while the new Charts plugin is pretty awesome, should concentrate on a few max plugins that are targeted at more people. The charts plugin is pretty niche.

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Ahh, all good :grin: