Feature request for the 'Lock Element' feature

I came across a couple bugs with the Lock Element feature (detailed here if useful: Bugs with 'Lock Element' feature) and whilst investigating the issue, I thought of a couple feature that might enhance its use, especially when locking down a client-accessed site.

I really like making use of the message and message-managed-content parameters, to indicate that a client should turn back and look elsewhere to edit the content they’re clicking on.

A way to integrate this kind of message into the Lock Element function would be ideal: some way of updating or adding to the message that shows in the Inspector panel when an Element is locked.

An additional quick button to jump up one element in the tree (like the message-managed-content param lets you do) could add some extra ease of use.

Finally, further to this topic I came across from a couple years ago (Limited usefulness of the Lock Element feature) a way to only lock elements to certain User abilities would be amazing. This would allow the Admin to jump in to a page and make changes completely unhindered, whilst an Editor accessing the same page might see various elements as being locked to them.

I would love to see any / all of these suggestions discussed and maybe brought into Pro in some form in the future!

Thanks for all your ongoing work on the next iteration of this great page builder :pray:


Good stuff!

They did tease something related to hiding/locking elements (at least I think so) on their socials recently, so who knows.

You’re right the locking doesn’t seem to work for child elements over a depth of 1. I can get that fixed soon.

I like the idea of locking based on permissions. I just know it’s setup as an all or nothing thing right now, and might need to reworked to support that. Plus a dedicated UI for it.

The eyeball button screenshot we shared is a general “hide” from the page itself, as opposed to a lock.

Have a great weekend.


Yay for better locking features and UI :clap:t3: