Bugs with 'Lock Element' feature

When using the Lock Element feature for any element, although that element and its immediate descendants are locked, any further child elements are still sometimes selectable, defeating the object of being able to Lock an entire section at once.

I also noticed, within the Cornerstone Permissions settings, it should be possible to restrict lower-level users from unlocking elements. This is currently not the case, as I have an Editor account on one site that is still able to see and use the Unlock button within the element inspector.


Strangely, for this Editor account, the Lock Element toggle within the Element Manager window is not showing. Somehow the always-visible unlock button bypasses the permissions.

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The issue with child elements not being locked past a depth 1 will be fixed in Pro 6.6.0. Thanks for bringing our attention to this.

You’re right the button shouldn’t be visible when the unlock permission is turned off. It’s only checking that permission in the element manager. We can get that fixed up in a soon to be release.

Have a great day.

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