Limited usefulness of the Lock Element feature

When I read that you would add a Lock Element feature I had all sorts of ideas about how that could be used to tailor the editing experience, especially for clients. Most of it turns out not to be possible :upside_down_face:

Here are some examples:

  • Locking an element locks all of its children as well. There’s no option to selectively unlock a child element while keeping the parent locked.
  • Locking elements based on specific users and user roles.
  • A locked element can still be moved around, deleted, etc. A way to lock an element in place to truly prevent people from messing with the element would make a lot of sense (to me anyway)

The locking feature currently isn’t as useful as I thought it would be.

Thanks for the feedback here. Good points for sure. Definitely some opportunity to integrate more with the permissions system. I think most of this will be solved by components, and some of the things we’ll be working out before the final release. It’s a pretty advanced setup, but there’s going to be a way to allow any component used inside another component to “pass through”, and become inspectable individually. This will let you make whole elements targetable by the client, but prevent them from being moved or changed apart from the mapped parameters.

Sounds good. Glad to hear that things will be tweaked to make locking elements more useful.
