Cornerstone isn't working after the update to 3.3

Hi Christian, I’m not sure how to do that & my developer is not available.

Hello Drew,

You have the option of getting in touch with the hosting provider and ask for the FTP login details.


Hi Prasant, I just sent a secure note with FTP login details.

Thanks for the credentials. I’ve commented out the W3TC code in wp-config.php, renamed the related W3TC file and folder in wp-content and then I’ve reset your htaccess file.

Please check now if the builder’s working on your end.

If it does not work, your case could be the same as in the threads below where the builder works on our end but not on the user’s end which is you in this case. The reason it does not work is due to poor web host performance and/or sub-optimal configuration and it might also have something to do with your connection to your server which only your ISP or web host could answer.

With that said, I’d recommend you try the following:

  1. Use a different computer with a different internet connection
  2. Use a VPN in your computer like
  3. Copy your site to a different web host. If it works in a different host, it’s possible that your current web host is not good.

If that still does not work, regretfully, we have no other ideas what else could be causing the issue.

Hi Christian, it is still not working. It was working fine until the updates last week. I have no other connection related issues. Are you able to check older posts of mine where you have fixed update related issues with cornerstone? Can I use other page builders with Xtheme? Not that I want to. Very disappointed with cornerstone. That said I’ll try your 3 recommendations. Thanks anyway
Just thought I should mention that I can view it in “theme options” as per the bottom screen shot. What do you think about that?

Hello @mypropertyoptions,

I have investigated your pages and I edited it in Cornerstone. The reason why you are not seeing anything is because you have set a custom columns incorrectly.

Please understand than in every row, you can have columns. You break down the rows into columns with fractions. All in all, the total columns should always end up as one whole rows. Judging in the screenshots above which is what is happening in your row settings, you have divided the rows into a broken columns. You are expected to have only these column settings:

  • 1/1
  • 1/2 + 1/2
  • 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3
  • 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4
  • 1/5 + 1/5 + 1/5 + 1/5
  • 1/3 + 2/3 or 2/3 + 1/3
  • 1/4 + 3/4 or 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/2 (or vice versa)
  • 2/5 + 3/5 or 1/5 + 4/5

The total sum of the columns must be equal to one. Now if you want to have several rows in a section, you can always add a row along with your desired number of columns in it.

An example of how to have multiple rows and columns in one section

  • Add a section.

    • Add a row
      • set the row with one column (1/1)
    • Add another row
      • Set the columns into two (1/2+ 1/2)
    • Add another row
      • Set the columns into column again (1/1)

I would highly recommend that you edit some of your pages and make sure that you have used the rows and columns properly.

Please let us know how it goes.

Thank you so much for your reply and for looking into this & for your excellent explaination. I’ll have my developer look at it & get back to you asap.Why was the layout only affected after the last updates?
My developer says it seems you were trying to adjust your grid system and he cannot achieve a full width grid across the edge of the screen for the section on cornerstone. He’s telling me he will need to rebuild every page! If this is what your updates do I don’t think I want to use cornerstone at all. Updates it shouldn’t affect the previous layout that was done using Cornerstone.


The grid system is actually the same as it is or else hundreds of sites will have the same problem.

For the columns to occupy the width of your sections, you need to turn off Inner Container of your row element.

I have created a test page that shows two columns with different background occupying the full width of the section.

Please check it out.


The Cornerstone update has changed the set out of the custom columns as mentioned by RueNel which were fine before the update. I don’t see why I should have to reformat my whole site after this update. The issues from the latest updates have been dragging out for 9 days now meaning I cannot view most of my site to edit it in Cornerstone!
Can someone please log in to my site & help correct this update related issue?

Hello Drew,

Thanks for updating in! I have forwarded your issue to one of our developers and something that could happened is if you have saved the page with one of the earlier point releases (between the 6.3.5 and 6.3.6 updates), then updated to the latest releases. There was something we changed to fix data missing on columns (like the controls were empty).

With your permission, we would can removed the unwanted columns for you while we were waiting for a fix. Having to do it manually, we can save time and you can continue to work in your site.

Please let us know how it goes. Thank you for your understanding.

Hi RueNel,
Please remove the unwanted columns asap while you wait for a fix. My developer said that the staging that we sent you was the back up data base.

Hi Drew,

Extra columns are removed and they are loading now. I made the change in your live site since your said your staging is your backup.


Thanks Rad. Much appreciated. Has the glitch with the update been fixed? Also, am I able to reinstall W3 Total Cache?:thumbsup:

Hi Drew,

You’re welcome! And unfortunately, there is no update yet.


Hi Rad, you didn’t give me your thoughts on reinstalling W3 Toatal Cache?
Also, you only fixed the home page as the problem still exists on ALL of the other pages. Can you please fix them too. It has been 12 days now since the updates created this issue. Can you please escalate this case? Also can Visual Composer be used in conjunction with Cornerstone or would the site need to be rebuilt?

Hey Drew,

I’ve manually removed the added empty columns for the rest of your pages. This column issue is quite unique. You’re currently the first one who has reported it.

Regarding W3 Total Cache, it’s best that you don’t install it while the issue persists on your end. Please remember that we could work with Cornerstone in your site. To clarify, the remaining issue is Cornerstone does not load on your end. Have you tried the 3 suggestions I’ve mentioned previously?

Regarding Visual Composer and Cornerstone, you can use the separately but not in combination. To give you an idea of, you can see this demo at In addition to that, you can actually use other page builders if you need to. You have the option to disable Cornerstone for all post types in X > Settings > Permissions


Hi Christian, My developer who is located in the Philippines is also having the same issue. Now the Contact Us page is not loading properly, this is what I see. Is it because it’s a ninja form?
Also the Privacy Policy page is not set out properly. There never used to be all of the Get A Cash Offer Fast with the 3 points below. That was on a draft home page about 18 months ago. I have deleted it from the Privacy Policy now as it was showing up on the live site. How did this happen?

Also the “Get a Fast Offer For Your Property Page” is not loading / rendering properly. I think it is the success page for the two-part form which is connected to the “Click Here To Get A Fast Offer For Your Property” Button.

I think the wordpress site is hosted in the Philippines. Could it be causing issues even though it never has in the past. Also The two success forms are related to Ninja Forms which were working fine on the weekend…
I did not have any issues until the latest round of updates occurred. This issue just seems to get worse.

Yes, I see Ninja Forms in your contact page could not be rendered now. There’s a new feature where the builder detects errors so the offending part (usually a Text or Raw Content element with broken HTML) would not display. That also is true for third party plugins. Please also note that this happens in the builder or preview only. Your forms would still work in the front-end. I also see there’s an update for Ninja Forms. Please try updating.

Also try updating to PHP 7.

Your Privacy Policy page issue is surely not caused by the update. The “Get A Cash Offer Fast with the 3 points below” text are already there when I removed the added columns in that page. I’m not sure why that happened though.

Site hosted in the Philippines might have something to do with this issue so if you can test copying your site to a different host and see if it works, that would be great. I’ve provided a link to a guide for creating a staging in my previous reply.

To recap, the remaining issue is:

Ninja Forms could not be rendered in the preview when it did before the update

Again, we understand that this is really frustrating. This is why in WordPress development or website development in general, it is recommended that you do test the updates in a test or staging site first before you update your live site. Daily backups are also essential. Staging and backups are standard in quality web hosts.


I’ve done some testing here and was able to uncover a bug that will be fixed in the next release that triggered the error message you’re seeing. However, Ninja Forms will still not preview correctly. They’re adding custom scripts using non WordPress APIs. I’ve tested with older versions of X and Cornerstone and I’m getting the same result. There’s nothing wrong with how they are adding the scripts for their own purposes and it’s probable best for performance that way, but Cornerstone won’t be able to detect them and add them to the preview frame.

After updating to the next point release you’ll see a loading indicator in your live preview where the error message used to be.

Hi Alexander,
Thanks for that explanation. It seems to be okay now after the last couple of updates which was a big factor in me purchasing another license today.
Thanks for your help.