Change Blog Post Title Size/Font (only)

Hello! I would like to use a google font (Monsterrat) and increase the text size for the blog title on both the /blog page and each individual post instead of the custom font I use for headers across the site. How can I do this?

Hello @JLMoir,

Thanks for writing to us.

Regretfully there is no option to set the font family and font size only for the blog post title only. You can set the font family and font size for the Heading that will be rendered to the blog post title and other headings.

Go to the X—>Theme Option —>Typography —>Headings, set the font family and font size from here.

Hope it helps

Hi there,

Sorry, this doesn’t help. I already have set the font and weight for my site in Theme Option —>Typography —>Headings but want to use code to ensure that the blog headings are different. They are longer headlines so I want to ensure they are easy to read. For some reason they show smaller than any other Headline but again, I also want to change the font.

Hello @JLMoir,

In order to help you with your concern, we need to check your settings. I would request you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


I added the secure note however again, there’s nothing in my settings that will allow me to separate the blog headings font from the rest of the site’s headings fonts.

Hi @JLMoir,

Sorry for the confusion. There’s no option to have different font headings in the blog post from the rest of the site’s headings using X. What you are trying to accomplished will require some customization which is outside the scope of our theme support. You may seek 3rd party developers to help you with your problems or you can avail One where we can answer questions outside of the features of our theme.

Another option is upgrading your X to Pro because in Pro you can customize the blog layout and control the headings in the Layout Builder then you can access the advanced features like Header Builder, Footer Builder, Layout Builder, and Grid Editor.

Layout Builder:


Here is how you can convert X to Pro:

Hope that helps.

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