Can't assign licence to a site after wordpress reinstalation

Hi, I had to reinstall wordpress on my server, but after restoring worpress from backup file I cannot valideta my licence on restored theme (" Your code is valid but looks like it has already been used on another site. You can revoke and re-assign within your Themeco account.").

I tried to unlock licence and validate theme again, but it did not worked.
What should I do to active X on restored worpress?
Thanks for answear in advance.

Hello @KAEM,

Thanks for writing to us.

It might be the issue of cache issue or any browser extension that is stopping to validate the site. I would suggest you troubleshoot with our troubleshooting guide.

In case you haven’t seen our doc for license validation please have a look at it.

Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Hi, thx for answearing.
I tried to do as shown in links yoy provided, but nothing worked.
I sent to you login details to the WordPress dashboard of my site.
I will appreciate if you could solve the problem.
Thx in advance.

Hello @KAEM,

I tried to access your site dashboard but it is redirecting to a different URL, please let us know when your registered site is accessible.


thx for notice. I have sent you another set of login data.

Hello @KAEM,

I checked your given new site URL, and it seems that it has been validated. Please clear your browser cache and check it again.



I rechecked it once again and it seems that you might have added some redirection in your live URL, I would also suggest you remove the redirection and try to validate again by adding the https with URL in the Location.

Hope it helps.

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