Hi there
I am in the proces of making custom post types with ACF for all realised projects of our company.
On the single post layout page I want to dynamically show terms such as location, style, model,… for every project. Therefore I made different taxonomies, a field group and 2 fields associated with the respective taxonomies. I added a text element and set But it seems Cornerstone can only show an output when the output is set to term ID in ACF settings. Then it shows the ID number in the text element. But I want the term text to be visible. When I select output to be term object in the field settings, it does not show anything. Is this an issue in Cornerstone or am I doing something wrong?
I am using cornerstone set as shortcode, not yet html (new update). Does this have anything to do with it?
Could you help?
I want to add private note with website details but it seems the option is not there anymore?
Please let me know how I can get support for this issue…
Thanks in advance!