Hello, It is saying my licence is not validated with Xtheme. I tried to validate and it says my code is being used already with another website(which I thought I had validated already correctly)?
I’m using word press if that helps?
I’m still having trouble trying to validate Xtheme for updates, can Evanto Studio experts fix this issue for me? It looks like they charge $50 to fix?
There is no need to pay extra. Please make sure that you have assigned the license code to the site that you are validating. To validate X properly, please do the following:
1] Please log in to your APEX account and assign the license (https://theme.co/apex/licenses). You need to assign the license to your site using this url: https://www.example.com/. You have to make sure that url you just assign is the same as the one you have in your settings, Settings > General > Site Address
2] Go back to X > Validation, and insert the license code.
I have checked your account and there is a license registered to it. If it is the license that I attached in the secure note. you do not have to reregister it as it is already registered.
Thank you as I was able to validate Xtheme! I’m now getting this error while trying to update my theme and add footers?
“The preview could not load. This is most often related to a plugin conflict or aggressive page cacheing. Checking the developer console for errors could indicate what went wrong.” ???
Please check that you have all the plugins updated to the latest version. If you have everything updated, try testing for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.
If he issue persists, try to to have the PHP memory limit of your site increased.
To do this, please login through FTP then edit your wp-config.php file and insert these lines:
I personally recommend 512mb, even just the slider plugin itself recommends 256mb so 512mb should give you enough room for other plugins and theme.
You mean configuration for wp-config.php or PHP configuration? For PHP configuration, it’s best contacting your hosting provider as its intructions could be different from each host, some may just need adding php.ini, some are panel options, and more.
As for wp-config.php configuration, sure, may I know what configuration you’re having issues applying?
in previous messages on this thread, it was recommended that I wp-config.php and have php increased because of this error message on Xtheme…
“The preview could not load. This is most often related to a plugin conflict or aggressive page caching. Checking the developer console for errors could indicate what went wrong.” ???
Please enable WP_DEBUG mode on your WordPress and re-visit your page to see if you’re getting any PHP errors (also check the console log as well). You can enable WP_DEBUG mode by following this guide (https://codex.wordpress.org/WP_DEBUG).
Also install the following plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-serverinfo/), then head over to Dashboard -> WP Serverinfo area and then make sure that you see your increased PHP memory limit value (if not, you need to contact your hosting provider to increase it).