Updating to Beta version broke site, critical error message

I just tried installing the beta version but I got a critical error message. On the front-end all content seemed to be ‘missing’ not loaded anymore. On the backend all page content seemed to be missing in the preview. Also see screenshots.

I disabled all caching and other plugins but this didn’t make any difference.

Some additional info, I tried on another site and here without any problems. Tried for a second time on the site mentioned above but unfortunately with the same error.

Hi @SchoonhovenOntwerpStudio,

Thanks for testing this out and letting us know. Would you mind enabling WP_DEBUG? (set to true in wp-config.php) This should reveal a PHP error message we can use to learn more about why this is happening. Also, could you let me know the PHP version used on that site? It may help as well. Thanks!

@alexander I followed your request, see here the results that I’m getting back. I’m not sure if this is of any help, I looked at a tuturial on how to read out the debug info and as far as I understand this error message should show up on the page directly, so this is the info I’m getting. If I’m doing something wrong here please let me know.
The PHP version I’m using is 7.4 hope this info helps. Thanks

Ah, so I disabled all plugins, cleared cache and reloaded the page and now it gave me the following error message (see screenshot) I guess that will be of more help.

Thank you! I’m still not sure what’s happening there, but I know that’s from the parser of the new generated stylesheets. I’ve found a better way for us to ship the theme with those stylesheets precompiled (already parsed) so those code paths shouldn’t have to run at all now. Let me know if you still have issues after we push the next beta.

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Hello Alexander, I just tried the Beta2 version on a staging site but unfortunately I’m getting again a critical error. I provide the login details in a secure message

Thanks for the update. I’m sorry you’re having this error. When you have a moment could you enable WP_DEBUG again? I’m wondering if it’s a different error than the one from before. I tried logging in but there isn’t enough error output to determine what is failing. Thanks!

I enabled WP_DEBUG again. Thanks for looking into this.

I also installed the Beta2 on my own website without having any major errors, just an ID couldn’t be read anymore (got the error: [Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘appendChild’ of null] when i changed the ID to a class the error was gone but maybe it is still useful to know (on this website I did quite some customizations) also the used footer didn’t have its set background colors anymore. Apart from this everything went well. If you want have more info I will send you inlog credentials again in a secure message

Thank you! I logged in and found the error. It was quite helpful, and I’ve added a countermeasure to prevent the fatal error. I do think it is still choking on some values, so I’ve added some code to output a PHP Warning. I don’t think this is fully resolved but at least it won’t crash the site, and we’ll have better error output with the next version.

Regarding the ID to class change, thank you for the heads up! I can keep an eye out for issues like that. Do you recall if the issue was the ID not being output at all? That sounds like it could have caused the error you’re seeing. If that’s true, do you remember what kind of element it was? No worries either way, we’ll be able to figure it out.

Let me know after the next beta/RC if you’re still seeing the footer color issue. I’ve worked out some issues involving Global colors so that might have resolved your issue.

Thank you!

Hey @alexander I just double checked about the ID, I gave a section the ID and within that section I’m using Three.js code. When I change it back to the ID the whole section is not being output on the front-end when I change this to the Class everything works as before.

Yesterday I created another staging website and also there I encountered some issues. One text block had a scaling property set to it on hover which probably inherited this style from a design cloud asset that I used (Effect Deconstruction) and the used design cloud asset was showing normally, only on hover the pictures disappeared and were replaced for a “link” icon.

If you need more info or login credentials of the mentioned sites let me know.


Thank you! I see the ID attribute doesn’t output on sections anymore… will get that patched up. We’ll test the design cloud asset as well.

Edit: section ID issue resolved.

Hey @alexander I just tried installing Beta3 but unfortunately it is still giving errors. First I tried to install the Beta3 on the existing staging website which gave errors and then I decided to create a new staging environment which also caused errors. See attached screenshot.
Let me know again if you want to login to have a closer look.

Thank you, I’m sorry we have to keep going around with this one. It looks like the extra logging I added isn’t getting a chance to output anything. Would it be possible to get FTP credentials as well? I could just repair it live on the site, then bring those code changes back into Cornerstone/Pro. If not there’s a few other things I can try. Thank you!

No problem, will add the details in a secure message

Thank you! I was able to get it working. I’ve installed a development build on your site with the patch.

Nice that you got it working! The only thing I noticed thus far is that the footer background color still changed its color from the original site.

Thanks! I was able to track that down. Next time I have a build I’ll update the staging site to double check.

Hi @SchoonhovenOntwerpStudio,

I’ve installed the RC (I’m about to get it published, you didn’t miss anything) on your staging site and looks like the footer colors are back! Should be all set here but let me know if you run into anything else.