Undefined Element?

What does this mean and how could I solve it?

Hey Melissa,

Some elements in the recent versions have been removed in favor of their new counterpart. For example, if you were using the Content Area element, it has been removed in favor of the Div element which is basically still a content area element but you can drag and drop elements to it.

Please note that this is a breaking change and this is why it is highly recommended that you test updates in a staging copy of your live site first.

Hope that helps.

Hi I’m new to all these and never had a live template before. What should I do to remove the error?

I got the error just by clicking on the plus button after adding a new section

Hi Melissa,

I would suggest you use any alternative element for which the Undefined Element issue is showing.


I simply click on this and I get the error. Not really sure what other alternative elements Im supposed to choose. I cant clikc and drag elements either.

Hey Melissa,

Thank you for that info. The Grid element in your screenshot is only available in Pro so I wonder why you have the Grid element when you’re using X and Cornerstone.

I believe you tried Pro and then switched back to X and Cornerstone that is why the Grid element now shows us Undefined. That is the only way I could replicate the issue.


You need to upgrade to Pro to be able to use the Grid element. Undefined means the element does not exist. For this case, the Grid element is only available in Pro.

If my assumption is incorrect, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.


Nope, I’m new here and only used the normal X version before. Note is updated please do help me to take a look through

Hey Melissa,

I’ve just found a potential bug and have fixed the issue on your site. I switched the Content Layout Element to Row so you now can create a page. Don’t choose the Grid as it’s only available in Pro.


Hope that helps.

Got it thanks!

Just a question, where can I find the Content Layout Element settings?

Hello Melissa,

To get the Content Layout Element settings —>Go to Cornerstone page builder —>Click on the hamburger menu icon—>Preferences—>Content Layout Element.

Members-Content-Pro (3)

Hope it helps

got it thanks

Hi Melissa,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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