Unable to change height/spacing on infobar

I added an infobar, but the vertical height does not seem to change when I edit the height in covertplus. The button is also not centered verticallly.

See attached note.

I found this post from 2018.

I put in the suggested global CSS and the alignment is fixed. This seems like a temporary workaround and that the fix was planned to be implemented in 2018. Is this still the best solution?

Thank you,


Hello @meoptometry,

Thanks for writing to us.

I checked your staging site dashboard. It seems that you have set the info bar height as 50px. I want ahead and tested height setting at your staging server it works fine at my end. It might be the issue cache at your end. Please purge all the cache, temporarily deactivate cache or JS/CSS minification plugin and clear your browser cache then check it again.

To reduce the height of the info bar, go to Info Bar -->Backgroung -->Height

As far as button concern It looks fine at my end I would suggest you check browser private window.


Yes, I added the small global css line and that fixed the alignment. Is that the best way to fix it? Feel free to remove the global css line on the staging site to see the offset.

Hey @meoptometry,

That’s the only solution for now. The best solution here is for ConvertPlus to apply that CSS to the button so that it won’t be affected by any theme CSS.

I’ll post this again in our issue tracker to follow up.


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