Convert Plus InfoBar

Looking for a way to reduce height of the Info Bar, preferably the button would lineup with the text beside it, screenshots:

( as viewed in admin dashboard ) vs ( live version )

Thanks for any assistance…

Hey @M72561,

A CSS code in the theme is causing the issue though I believe it is ConvertPlus that needs to have a targeted CSS for the form in the infobar. I’ve added this code in your Global CSS for temporary solution.

.cp-info-bar-body form{margin:0}

The live view is the same as in the Inforbar builder now.

Hope that helps and I’ll post this case in our issue tracker.


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Hi Christian, I can’t seem to load my topbar. I continue to get the loading bars… is the site

Hello There,

I have seen your other thread with the same issue. We will be responding to that thread instead.


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