Twig activation


I have PRO 6.5.2 and PHP 8.1.29 installed on the server but still do not see Twig option in the Cornerstone Theme Options.

I use Litespeed Web Server - Enterprise Edition - Version [6.2.2]. Are there any ideas on how to enable Twig?

Hey John,

Thanks for reaching out!

To enable Twig option, please refer to our documentation.

Hope that helps.

Hi @marc_a,

I have already checked it out but still have an issue with enabling it.

Hey John,

We would love to check your site. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
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– Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Best Regards.

Hi @ruenel,
I have done that in my first message.

I also have single WP installations on the server, but they have the same problem with Twig.

It looks like you are running Pro 6.4.19 right now on the site you sent us. You can upgrade by uploading the latest version of Pro in your network admin “Themes” area since you are running a multi-site. Have a great day.

Hi @charlie,

That didn’t help. I also checked that with reqular WP installation and PRO 6.5.2

Hey @referee,

The requirements for Twig is PHP 8.1 and upon checking your server PHP version it is 8.0.30 and that’s the reason why it doesn’t show up on your installation.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for pointing that out @marc_a . However it is strange as I installed 8.1 at the server yesterday. Will check specific virtual host settings.

Hey John,

You’re most welcome and let us know how it goes.

Thank you.

Thank you @marc_a

I had to update PHP Script Handler on per virtual host basis to make it work after server PHP upgrade. Now I see Twig in the theme options section.

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You are most welcome.
It is good to know that Twig is now active on your site.

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