The SEO framework and pro

Hi there,

i use SEO framework instead of Yoast SEO because it is lighter, better and faster.

Now i found a “bug” : it seems the Plugin cannot use data from cornerstone.

Is there a way around or is this a thing for the SEO plugin makers?

Thanks in advance

Okay I got a response from the Seo framework:

Very interesting. So pro does use shortcodes?
Would be great if there is a Seo framework support without slowing down the site.

Thank you in advance

Appreciate the notes. None of the SEO plugins work correctly with CS and it’s very frustrating. Based on Sybre’s response, this got something to show up in my admin. Let me know if that helps. Ideally we need to have a solution that works regardless of the plugin and I wish I knew the answer to that without rewriting our output from shortcodes. Which probably wouldn’t work anyway when you factor in dynamic loopers.

 * The SEO framework make description turn out correctly
add_filter('the_seo_framework_description_excerpt', function($description) {

  // Get post based on what The SEO framework thinks the Post ID is
  $tsf = tsf();

  $post = get_post($tsf->query()->get_the_real_id());

  // Render Shortcodes
  $content = do_shortcode($post->post_content);

  // Make display turn out nicer
  $content = preg_replace('#<[^>]+>#', ' ', $content);
  $content = strip_tags($content);
  $content = str_replace("\n", ' ', $content);
  $content = preg_replace('/\ +/', ' ', $content);
  $content = trim($content);

  return $content;

thank you. the solution you provided did work for posts/pages (not for products) but the site is very very slow (nearly unusable). so i had to remove it (the website is on its own dedicated server)

is there any solution that doesn´t slow down the website that much?
thank you in advance

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Hi Charlie,
any news on this? :slight_smile:
thanks in advance

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I don’t think I can give you a solution that is any faster since we need to render the shortcodes to setup the content. The more I think about though the more we just need to save our content as HTML so these SEO plugins can read our content off the bat though and we’ll try to start that move during 6.5.0 and hopefully start testing in 6.6.0. Have a great weekend.

It sounds like a lot of work though, @charlie . But at the end of the day, I think we need this otherwise things won’t move ahead. I think rankmath have made an integration for Elementor - doesn’t that page builder also use short codes to render the content?

Elementor might have at one point, but when I just used it it was definitely just storing HTML in the post content. It probably does some behind the scenes stuff like we would do in an html storing world.

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Do you know if any headway was made on this? I am researching SEO plugins and have found it impossible to have them do auditing on a page to tell me how it ranks in SEO.

Internally we’re deciding to forgo our shortcode building (the main cause of issues like this) and opt to build out HTML as our Post content. There’s many benefits to this, one of them being that SEO Framework starts to work properly. Some others is that we can easily setup a cache system for pages, your pages (mostly) work without Cornerstone activated, and we can spend less time making sure these plugins are able to read our content. It’s something we plan on testing / releasing in Pro 6.6. From what I’ve tested it’s worked great for SEO Framework and Rankmath. The hard part is probably migrating in way that works for sites that have thousands of posts. Have a great day.

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