Text won't bold in Chrome

There are two discussions already on this topic and both are closed for further comment. However, the issue remains unresolved. I’ve seen this before on sites I was working on with Pro but it wasn’t critical enough to post about until now. The site I am working on right now needs this to work though.

The two previous threads dealing with this (in an incomplete way in my opinion - the issue was never resolved) can be found here and here.

Attached are screenshots of what Chrome is doing (or not doing rather) and how Safari seems to be correctly rendering the bold text. Can someone please shed some light on this… very strange.

Link to the dev site: https://elevenmassmedia.net/services/


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BTW, I’ve already cleared my cache from the beginning of time and restarted my machine even… Nothing.

I think there may be something wrong with the way that google fonts are being loaded. In the font manager, I have defined Open Sans 300 - 800.

But I had a feeling something might be wrong with this so I loaded the fonts directly from google in wp_head:

add_action( 'wp_head', 'load_custom_header_components' );
function load_custom_header_components () {	
	echo '<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,400i,700,700i" rel="stylesheet">';

And now the text is rendering properly (see attached screenshot from Chrome). Obviously, it’s fairly inefficient to load this font resource twice and anyway the expectation is that the font manager would simply do its job on its own? Please advise as to the cause of this issue and if there are any plans to fix it. Thanks!



Hi Dan,

Thank you for writing in, can you confirm that when you setup the font-family on templates > fonts you check all the weight that you’ll be needing from that font? If so, try turning off and on the Font Manager option under the Theme Options > Typography

Hope it helps,

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