Styling text (bold or adding a class)

Hi there (and Happy New Year!)

Using Pro, latest and greatest WP, no funky plugins, etc.

I want to bold some text, either using <strong> or by using a class (for example w-900). The preview in Pro looks fine:

But the output doesn’t match:

I’ve tried creating a unique class with font-weight, color, etc., and applying that as a <span> for the appropriate text, but that’s not working either.

I’ve cleared browser and server caches, etc. Still no joy.

Thanks in advance

Hello there,

Please add a class w-900 or whatever name you like and add this CSS below,

  font-weight: 900 !important;

Hope that’ll work for you.

Best regards.

Sorry - should’ve mentioned that I’ve already tried the !important declaration, but that doesn’t work either.

Please advise.

Hi there,

I checked the career page and it work’s fine.

Please provide us the page URL in which you face the problem.

Best regards…

Try the “services” page.

Hi there,

I checked “services” page and it’s working fine.

Please clean the cache and reload the page again.

Hmm. I’m still not seeing it.

No matter, I suppose. As long as it’s working. Thanks for your (very fast) help!

Hi There,

I’m a different staff and I can see the rendered text as well. So it should be a temporary caching issue on your end.


Thanks for confirming. I’m still not seeing it at my end. I’m running the latest version of Chrome. I’ll try it using another browser and see how we go.

It displays fine on my end as well.

Let us know how it goes.

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