Shortcodes Causing "Uh Oh! Failed to save."

Like many others, I have encountered an issue with repeated “Uh Oh Failed to Save" notifications in Cornerstone.

Issue began 2/13/2021 while editing a post draft created the previous day. I opened the post in Cornerstone, added some simple text, and could not save. Theme update 8.0.11 and Cornerstone 5.0.11 did not resolve. All plugins up to date.

After much trial and error, I discovered that posts containing an icon shortcode [x_icon type=“tint”] within a classic text element will NOT save until the offending shortcode is removed completely OR removed from the upper portion of the text element. Placed at the end of the content in the same text element or in the middle of the content and the post saves. Place shortcode at the top of the content or in the top half and…“Uh Oh! Failed to save.” So where the shortcode is placed within the same text element seems to matter.

I tested other shortcodes like Callout and Blockquote with the same result.

My home page also fails to save. I am in the process of trying to discover the offending shortcode or other element causing the problem so that I can remove it until this is resolved.

Your assistance is much appreciated.

P.S. I have read numerous posts regarding this same issue and the steps recommended to resolve are above my pay grade and did NOT seem to resolve the issue for other users anyway.

BTW: A recent issue with accordion elements ignoring line breaks was NOT resolved with the recent update. I managed to repair hundreds of ignored line breaks throughout my site by individually adding an html line break for each instance. Would definitely like to see this resolved:


I duplicated my home page and removed one section at a time until I discovered the offending element: Table data inside an accordion element results in “Uh Oh. Failed to save.” Removing table formatting corrects the problem. I will revise my content to exclude the table formatting until we find a solution.

Still hoping for a solution to the icon shortcode issue. Thanks! Have a great day!

Hi Susan,

My understanding of the issues with the builder failing to save is that it is related to mod security rules (server configuration) preventing large payloads from being sent to the server. So in theory, as long as the page is small enough it will save. I’ve tried your shortcode example, but it still saves for me. I think what might be happening is in your experimentation you’re getting just slightly below the threshold for what the server will accept and it saves.

Two things happened in the recent release that contributed to hitting that limit:

  • We added a whole bunch of new features like effects that increase the number of data points stored per element. This will naturally make all pages larger when they are saved.
  • We switched to using the WordPress JSON API instead of our own custom endpoint. When this happened we no longer had the capability to gzip the request before sending it, so once again it got larger.

It didn’t seem like we were hitting any performance thresholds, but in our testing we didn’t encounter these strict security rules. For the next release we’ve built a new layer on top of the WordPress JSON API so we can gzip things again which should help quite a bit and hopefully head off most of these problems.

All that being said, I haven’t seen your site specifically so I’m only generalizing from what I know from other sites. It is certainly possible that this is a different issue. If you don’t mind adding login credentials in a secure note, we can login to check it out and confirm if we’re seeing the same error messages or something else.

I’ll have a look at the other thread you linked as well.

Hi @alexander,

Please could you suggest a workaround, or would you be able to say when this patch will be available?

I have seen similar issues, predominantly caused by adding more containers and also effects. It is difficult to adjust mod security rules with the provider. It is restricting work from being completed.


Hello Thomas,

Our developers are working on another release which will be out anytime soon. Please watch out for it.

Best Regards.

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