Rel=”noopener” and buttons

I have various buttons set up to open pdfs and I have checked the new tab option when setting up the link. Shouldn’t these links that open in a new tab have the code rel=”noopener” and rel=”noreferrer” added to the link. As mine does not.

This page says it should be

This also happens when i set up a link to facebook in my footer for instance using the new tab option.

or is it because my page uses SSL and rel=”noopener” and rel=”noreferrer” isn’t required and so doesn’t add the code.

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Hi @etahross,

Thank you for writing in, on the Customize tab of the elements there is a Custom Attribute option where you can apply a custom attribute to your elements.

Custom Attributes - Use this option to add a custom attributes to the wrapper HTML tag of the element. Such as data-info=123 . You can use the option to inject custom information into the element to use on your customization code.

More details here.

If you dont see that option on your end, please enable the Advance Mode.

Hope it helps,

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