I Started translating our Pro Site Using WPML. I’m having issues bringing the second language to work. It seems that some pages are working, but not the homepage.
any ideas?
thanks, mark
Hello Mark,
Thanks for writing in! To make sure that you are translating the homepage in a right way, please check out our documentation guide first:
If nothing is helping, provide us access to your site so that we can check your settings. Please create a secure note with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WordPress Admin username / password
To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works
Best Regards.
thanks for the answer
I checked that, unfortunately that doesn’t answer my question.
Hello @markiert,
I have logged in to your site successfully. It looks the page were edited outside of Pro editor. You may have accidentally edited it. And as a result, the Pro editor meta data were corrupted. This is why when you go back and edit the page in Pro editor it is just blank. There is no way you can revert it back. It is best that you recreate the page from scratch. It is way more faster to resolve this issue by recreating the page.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hi @ruenel
I have now recreated the homepage. It is so that I should only recreate the start page and not the whole WordPress instance? Although I have created the start page, it does not show me anything in the second language. Ideas?
Hey @markiert,
To your question:
Yes, you’ll only recreate the start page and not the whole WordPress site.
It looks like you selected “Blank” page instead of copying or starting from your German page layout. You now need to recreate it or design differently for your English translation.
I’m referring to using the Translation Flags located in the lower right corner of the Content Builder, by the way. If you didn’t translate the page that way, please use that method next time for your other pages.
Hope that helps.
Hi @christian
Thank you for your prompt reply.
I actually wanted to use the automatic tool from wpml, do I have to recreate the design?
What happens if I have changes in one language? Do I then have to create it again on this manually generated page?
Hello @markiert,
It is best that you create your page with all your desired designs or layouts for the page first. Once you are done, you can then proceed to translate the page within the editor as illustrated by @Christian from his screenshot above. After you have translated the page, if you have some changes to the page, you will have to do the changes for both languages or else your changes will only be applied to one of the language.
Hope this makes sense.
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