Parameter for New Tab option on button links?

This discussion was tabled at the end of 2022 but I think we really need to get this working. Here is the original thread:

The basic premise is that if we want to create a component system for buttons (are any clickable element for that matter), we still can not tool a parameter to make those buttons open in a new tab. Seems a real shame this feature has not been implemented.

Can anything be done about this?

Pro is good, have a solid foundation, but they implement what they want, not what we request. That’s one of the reasons I’m moving to Bricks, after more than 9 years using Pro or X.

I’m not sure that’s a fair characterization … In the last 2 cycles alone I’ve seen 3 features and bug fixes implemented that I asked for. There are things that have to be prioritized and I think this dev team does a top notch job.

That said, sometimes things are not prioritized the way we would and that can be frustrating. But this team has done more to push my workflow in the right direction than any other single entitiy in the last 16 years.

I say “bravo” but humbly ask for some of this kind of low hanging fruit to be looked at. The parameter tooling is just incomplete if we can’t make a button open in a new tab.

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Well, here is what I’ve come up with as a work around:

  1. Create a custom attribute called target and let its value be {{dc:p:button.the_target}}

  2. set up a parameter like this or similar:

       "the_target" : {
         "type"    : "choose",
         "label"   : "Target",
         "initial" : "_self",
         "options" : [
           { "value" : "_self", "label" : "Same Tab" },
           { "value" : "_blank", "label" : "New Tab"  }

This works perfectly well but there should be an option to create true/false check boxes added to the API if possible. Please add that as a feature request.


Working on parameters and components didn’t really get much love in the poll. There’s a number of hardcoded controls that need to be altered to support DC and always envisioned of us going through at once. When 6.4 is better off the ground we can revisit.

@charlie, yep that is what I figured. Thanks for getting back to me and making this thing sing my man

Hey @simeoned,

You’re most welcome!

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