Open Modal with text link

Hello. When I follow the instructions found on this forum (see link below) and add a Toggle Hash, it opens the modal with no issue. However, it appends the “#ToggleHash” to the end of the address bar. Then, if you refresh the browser, it keeps opening the Modal. Is there any way to remove the appended string in the address bar, when the Modal is closed?

Hello @mcaravaglia,

Thanks for writing in! You can use custom attributes to your link text.
data-x-toggle=1 and data-x-toggleable=YOUR_TOGGLE. For more details, please check this out:

Be advised that custom HTML coding is beyond the scope of our support under our Support Policy. If you are unfamiliar with code and resolving potential conflicts, you may select our One service for further assistance.

Best Regards.

Thank you, but I’m not sure if the question was understood; or, perhaps I do not understand the answer? I have no issue opening the toggle using the #ToggleHash in an html link. My question is, how can I remove the “#ToggleHash” from the address bar, when the toggle is closed. If you are unable to provide the answer, as it is “beyond the scope”, I understand. However, if you are able to just tell me if it is indeed possible, then I will continue to research and find out how.

Hello @mcaravaglia,

You can have <a href="#" data-x-toggle="1" data-x-toggleable="e211-e4"> Click to open Modal </a> which will display a cursor when you hover the link or just this one: <a data-x-toggle="1" data-x-toggleable="e211-e4"> Click to open Modal </a>.

Check out my video demo:

You may need to review the documentation to know how to find the ID of your Modal element.

Best Regards.

Thank you. You went above and beyond for me. It is appreciated.

You are most welcome @mcaravaglia

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