Menu Disappearing on Individual Product Page

I am building a store with WP EasyCart. Seems to work well with the theme. However, the side menu (which is my main menu for my website) is not visible when you select an individual product. It appears on the main store page. But once you select a product, it disappears. Then when you add the product to the cart, it appears on the cart page.

Any ideas how I can fix this?

See attached Screen shots.

Hi @bryman45,

Thanks for reaching out.

To better help you with your concern, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Just sent you a secure note! Thanks

Hey @bryman45,

Are you referring to this sidebar here?

This is generated by your WP EasyCart plugin. It is best that you contact the creators of the plugin. They should be able to provide you more information about their product and how you can display the sidebars all the time.

Best Regards.

No I’m referring to the MAIN navigational menu on the left. It’s on the main shop page. However when you click on a product or product category “landscapes, weather, travel” it disappears and all you see is the wood texture background.

Normally, I would look for the page and change it to Container with header and footer…but I’m not sure which page to change when it comes to how it’s listing products.

If you go to print store from my main page, and then click on a product you’ll see it’s missing until you get to the check out screen when it appears again.![With Menu|530x499]

This is what it looks like on the main store page. Menu on left works.

Now it is no longer there when you click on an individual product.

Also, I’ve been in contact with plugin support. This is what they sent me.

Blockquote So the store, cart and account are pages… all of the products are constructed as custom posts, so they are not visible per say on the wordpress admin area, but they are posts, and will run on whatever template your theme uses for posts… Same with settings. Some themes let you say all ‘posts’ have a sidebar, or no sidebar, some themes only let you do that with pages, it varies greatly there… You can go int our settings -> design area and try to turn on ‘Match Store Page meta’ or the ‘Use Theme custom post template’ and see if that will align them, but it doesn’t always… just so heavily relies on themes and their settings.

Josh Jones
WP EasyCart

Thanks in advance for all your help.


Hello Ryan,

The single product pages do not have their own template. It is supposed to display the product page using the single post template. To get this resolve, please do the following:
1.) Kindly download the child theme here:
2.) Unzip the file in your local computer
3.) In your child theme’s folder, you will have to create a file named as single-ec_store.php and place this code in the contents of the file:


// =============================================================================
// product post output.
// =============================================================================

$fullwidth = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_x_post_layout', true );



  <div class="x-container max width offset">
    <div class="<?php x_main_content_class(); ?>" role="main">

      <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
        <?php x_get_view( 'integrity', 'content', get_post_format() ); ?>
        <?php x_get_view( 'global', '_comments-template' ); ?>
      <?php endwhile; ?>


    <?php if ( $fullwidth != 'on' ) : ?>
      <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>


<?php get_footer(); ?>

4.) Save the file and place it in x-child folder.
5.) Zip the x-child folder.
6.) Go to your WP dashboard and install your child theme.
7.) Activate your child theme and test your product page again.

If this does not help, kindly provide us your FTP details and give us permission to create the file and install the child theme in your site.

Thank you in advance.

It doesn’t appear to have worked. I downloaded the child theme, created the .php with the script above. I then placed it in the child folder, then zipped it up. I then installed it and activated it. However it didn’t seem to change anything in the store.

I’ve privately sent you my FTP details. You have my permission to make changes.


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