Max didn’t show up in Cornerstone yesterday. I had to remove the licence and re-validate. Then it showed up. Today I was watching videos, left for a while, came back and I had been logged out of my browser. I relogged in and Max was once again missing from the interface. It’s toggle is switched on, and I’ve logged out, cleared caches, reset my validation, etc. Zip nada, nothing!
Hello @dabigcheeze,
Thanks for writing in!
Max should be visible in the Templates tab while you are in the Cornerstone builder.
And if you do not have active documents open in the builder, nothing will display:
Edit a page, header, footer, layout, or component first before seeing Max in the Templates tab.
Best Regards.
Thanks for telling me what I already know.
To clarify, it is not displaying. I know how it works. It isn’t showing up. Doesn’t matter what pages, doesn’t matter what browser, all caches cleared, licence revalidated multiple times, etc.
Just to double check that last screenshot was not on the templates tab. When you are on the templates tab with a document open is the Max tab still hidden? Also see secure note.
Yes it’s there. I also unvalidated and revalidated to double check.!
That username and password combo did not work unfortunately.
Try this one. It works for me fine.
Same issue sorry, tried a couple of browsers.
Try yet again. I just reset again an tested it across a bunch of machines and via a VPN and all was fine.
Hello @dabigcheeze,
Viewing the login screen displays an “Access Denied” error.
Please see the secure note below.
It would be a lot easier if you swapped your DNS to be where customers are. It’s fixed Philippines are now allowed.
Hey @dabigcheeze,
I have logged in to your site and I can see Max in your Cornerstone builder.
You will open a document first before you can see it in the Templates tab.
- See the secure note below.
Best Regards.
Glad you see can see it. I can’t under my account login. I’ve done all I can do so I’ll delete the user and add another Admin and see if that fixes things. It was working previously, and then not at all. Thanks for the help. Another thing to try when weird stuff happens.
I now can’t get access to Cornerstone at all. I’m going to restore to a point a few days ago. Try the upgrade again. All sorts of problems now with the site. Pages render as html code, json errors. Weird stuff.
I have noticed MAX does not show up while using Brave browser, but does show up in Safari. Not sure if it related to the same issue the OP is having with it.
I still can’t get access. I’ve used different machines. Different networks. Different accounts. etc. I had to restore from a backup yesterday because cornerstone wouldn’t load any pages at all, even though the interface loaded.
Not happy.
Update: Swapped machines, new user, different browser (including incognito) still no access to Max. Changed URL to another account (no difference), used your support login with zero difference. Different everything and no access to Max at all. Please swap my verification number for the account as this has to be connected and corrupted on your end I think.
Max is entirely frontend on the CS App so it’s not going to be changing your site unless you add content through it. First can you take a screenshot of your templates tab? Because I still feel like we aren’t looking in the right place
If you need to change Max license association let me know what site to change it to and I’ll be happy to do that.
I could not recreate the issue in Brave, but there is a 3 hour cache if you added Max recently, see notes here and let me know if that helps on getting course data right away I will keep an eye Brave for this though.
Here is some debugging info that will help me too. Open a private browser tab, In the network tab of the of the dev tools you’ll have the highlight requested. What does the request say when you click this?
Thanks for the debugging info. Apologies we have to do this song and dance, just the nature of a frontend application. Were there any errors in the console?
So the issue is from that screenshot we’re not grabbing late-data-expansion
endpoint (similar to the late-data
one). I would ensure the enable max preference is on, press save, and then try again in a private browser under the same wp account to ensure it’s not grabbing a cache and it’s running. When you do see late-data-expansion
in the network then we’ll know it’s grabbing the course data.
We’ll have an update to the max cache code in 6.1.1 that might help and probably just have a disable cache button to get around issues like this, however if your not getting late-data-expansion
from a clean browser cache or different system it’s probably not turned on.
Let us know if that helps and have a great weekend.
I don’t really understand any of that uber nerd suff, but I redid everything again, wiped all caches. Rebooted my servers, disabled cacheing tools, bypassed CloudFlare, wiped browser cache, used different machine etc. Same results. Can you wipe the existing Max licence and then renew with a different one or whatever on your end? When is 6.1.1 scheduled? Maybe reset my date of purchase as I’m unable to use any of this at the moment as well?