Hi guys,
I just got a notification from SEMrush that many (all?) of my comments have malformed URLs for the comment author.
I checked and, indeed, they are very strange and also don’t work. Here is an example, including the “cite” tag that is the parent element:
<cite class="x-comment-author" itemprop="author"><a href="http://<i class='x-framework-icon x-comment-author-icon' data-x-icon-s='' aria-hidden=true></i><span>acrocosm</span>.net" class="url" rel="ugc external nofollow"><i class='x-framework-icon x-comment-author-icon' data-x-icon-s='' aria-hidden=true></i><span>acrocosm</span></a></cite>
Indeed, this is the literal href:
http://<i class='x-framework-icon x-comment-author-icon' data-x-icon-s='' aria-hidden=true></i><span>acrocosm</span>.net
What’s interesting is that it doesn’t affect ALL URLs of this nature. It only seems to affect it when the comment submitter has entered a URL, and their comment is a parent comment with at least one reply.
I found this to be the case even with the stock parent theme. I don’t believe I have any plugins or code that modifies this at all, though it’s possible.
Do you know what’s causing this? I’ll share the URL in a private note.