How to add logo to Uber Menu Navigation Bar/ X/ icon


I’ve created a navigation using Uber menu. Unfortunately adding the logo stretches the menu bar causing the logo to not be inline with the page links. How do I fix this? I’m currently using an svg version of the logo. I also tried a png format and I’m having the same issue. There seems to be no standard option to build a haeder for example using Cornerstone in X.

I also want to ask what is the reason I was never offered a free Pro upgrade for this website when I was offered one for my other website? I have been a customer for quite a few years.

Here is an example of the problem I’m experiencing. In the first attachment is a png file.

In this image example of the problem is an SVG version of the logo. I would like for it to be insync with the rest of the menu regardless of the file type and to also fit properly on mobile.

Here are the current nav menu settings in X for the uber menu.

Hello @fantasy_5,

The Theme Options setting will ver overridden by the Ubermenu. How do you want the logo to display? Is it inline with the menu items or stacked above the menu items? Adding it above within the Ubermenu is not possible by the way. If you can provide a mock layout or an example URL, that would be great for to have an idea of what you want to accomplish.

Best Regards.

Hi, @ruenel

Heren is an example of what I wish to accomplish. I also wanted to ask if there is a recommended logo size for the uber menu so I can note it for future reference.

Thank you for the info.

Have you tried applying an image to the Home menu item? Please check this documentation for more info.

Let us know if you need additional info.

Best regards.

Yes, I did that and it is the same problem regardless of where the logo is placed on the menu bar. Also, I am okay with adding the logo on the same link as the homepage. I would like prefer it to be there.The problem is regardless of where it is added the logo is not responsive and stretches the menu bar. Why is this? Can someone help me resolve this issue please.I have already provided my login credentials in a secure note. Here is a link on another post that shows what I’m trying to accomplish. Put logo on left of menu

Additionally, I can not add a header in Cornerstone either if I wanted to try that method of building a menu as an option… which is the reason I also asked why I was never offered a free upgrade to pro? I have been a customer since July of 2017. I have purchased x twice for two different websites, but was only offer a free pro upgrade for one of them.

Here is an example of the logo being added to the homepage link ad still the same problem.

The size of the image is 500x500px, and there’s a lot of transparent space around it. Please crop and resize the image, remove all transparent spaces and make sure its height is no more than 50px, then set it again as the image of the first menu item.

We temporarily selected a different image for the first menu item, then set the Custom Height to 45px.

Hi, @Ismael

I see that and it looks much better. Thank you. However, it is still stretched a bit where the menu links are floating slightly above the logo rather than everything being in a straight line. Is it possible to get everything in a straight line. Will it also be responsive on mobile?

Did you upload a smaller logo (approximately 198x46px) without the extra spaces as suggested above? We adjusted the size of the logo a bit.

If you need more help with this kind of modification, please check our One service.