How can we disable or hide the Design Cloud option/tab?


How can we disable or hide the Design Cloud?

We are building a website for the client and would not like to enable the client to overrun our designs with the templates from Themeco Design Cloud.

Screenshot 2024-06-20 010526

Screenshot 2024-06-20 010643

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards.

Hello @dasbios,

Thanks for writing to us.

Regretfully there is no option for that at the moment, please note that if you provide the user account with admin privileges the account will have access to the cornerstone features. I would suggest you create a user account with the “author” or “editor” role where the user cannot edit the content.

Hope it helps

Hello @prakash_s,

Which WP capability are you using/checking?

Is there a custom Cornerstone capability that we can assign or remove from Role or User?

Kind regards.

Hi @dasbios,

If you go to Cornerstone > Settings > Permissions then you can enable/disable different modules based on user roles (see screenshot)

These roles are basically the WP roles (WP Admin > Users). To learn more please see

Hope this helps!

Hi @nabeel,

I understand that.

Can you please tell me which option under Cornerstone > Settings > Permissions should I turn Off so our client, who has the role Editor, will not see and have access to the option for the the Design Cloud anymore?

I can’t find it.

Kind regards.

Hello @dasbios,

As mentioned in the previous reply, there is NO option to disable or hide the Design Cloud. There are only options to limit the access of the User Roles like the “Editor” to certain features. You can restrict the user role “Editor” NOT to be able to create a layout or limit which elements are only available when he edits a page in Cornerstone.

Hope this helps.

In Cornerstone’s dev toolkit you can add custom UI CSS.

Add the following to hide the Themeco tabs:
button[data-tco-tab-id="theme"] { display: none; }

Hi @JvP,

Yes, tab can be hidden using custom CSS.

Hi @JvP and @tristup,

I tried with UI CSS before I opened this Topic, and I swear it worked “per page” on which it was set up, not globally - which it was strange to me.

Anyhow, I tried again, this time without having any website page opened in the Cornerstone, and now it’s working!

Great, thank you!

Hey @dasbios,

It is good to know that the suggested solution worked for you.

Thanks for chiming in.

You’re welcome!

No problem, @JvP.

For future me, an additional CSS selector that disables MAX.

button[data-tco-tab-id="max"] { display: none; }

Hi @dasbios,

Yes you can use that too.


We just noticed that custom UI CSS in Cornerstone’s dev toolkit is per user who made the set-up.
Is that correct?

How can we set custom UI CSS globally so it applies to all users?
We need this especially for the Editor role.

Kind regards.

This has come up so frequently we’re going to create a permission for both hiding the max and Themeco templates. I don’t think there’s a way to set UI CSS for all users without using a filter and we would rather you have a prebuilt solution for this. Have a great day.

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That sounds great.
When will you have this permission implemented?

Till then, you mentioned that there is also filter. Which one?

Kind regards.

This is excellent! I was just looking for an update on this. Please tell me that the admin that installed PRO is the only admin that can toggle on and off. Since we are the ones who pay for MAX, we should be able to control if we want it to show on a site or not. (mine is unlimited so every site I build has it on) But when I leave a site, I want to turn it off.
Does that make sense?
Thank you so much!

It does make sense what @JvP is saying, to have some way to disable the client access to the MAX and Themeco templates in the way that they can’t turn them them back on.

If locking the option for turning on/off is too complicated or too edge case to do it in the UI, this locking could also be implemented with the hook in the functions.php. That would be OK with us.

Kind regards.

It’s not difficult for us to handle this through a permission in the settings which I would rather setup then having y’all copy some UI CSS. We can probably finish this around the end of the month.

If you setup a CSS file to hide the Themeco Templates you could use something similar to this code which would add styles to the Cornerstone App.

add_action('cornerstone_app_enqueue_scripts', function() {
  // wp_register_style( 'cs-hide-themeco-templates', '...' );
  // wp_enqueue_style('cs-hide-themeco-templates');

You can also disable max globally through this filter

add_filter("cs_max_enabled", '__return_false');

Have a great weekend.