Templates showing despite having templates turned off in permissions

Just been reading this How can we disable or hide the Design Cloud option/tab?

I have disabled Templates for editors but templates are still showing under theme co, am I missing something? Are you going to implement the things discussed in the other thread?

Hello Daniel,

Thanks for writing in! You may toggle the “Templates” option. Unclick which option you want to disable or simply select “Toggle All Permissions” and hit the “Update” button. It would also help if you clear the system caches before testing again.

It is working on my end. I am using the Pro 6.5.5 version by the way.


Yes I know but every-time I turn off templates for the role editor, update and then refresh templates option is on again…

Hello Daniel,

Yes, I can confirm that it is turning back ON. I would recommend that you uncheck each of the permissions while I raise this issue with our developers.

Best Regards.

This doesn’t happen to me, could I see your site?

Yes, of course. Details in secure note.

Appreciate that. For the meantime you’ll have to Toggle off the permissions in the Templates area while we work on a way for this to not happen in Pro 6.5.8. Have a great day.

But thats exactly what I can’t do? As it just resets on saving.

So keep the Power button on for the “Templates” group, since that’ll just reset itself. But click the “Toggle All Permissions” button. That’ll ensure all the template based permissions on disabled.

Thank you. Can’t believe I overlooked this one :joy:

Hi Daniel,

Glad that we are able to help you.
