Headers and Footers sometimes stop working


I’ve created a set of headers and footers which should be shown on the entire site.
Now when I edit some other page, they are suddenly not shown.
Fiddling around with headers on/off or modifying the selection criteria sometimes solves the problem quickly, sometimes it takes more effort.

I’m completely puzzled by this behaviour.

any help appreciated

Hello Bart,

Thanks for writing in! I have checked your pages, layouts, header and footers.
1.) Please set the header/footer in your pages and layouts to default.
Screenshot 2025-02-07 at 11.23.03 AM

2.) Make sure that the pages is using the page templates that has a header and footer.

3.) In your custom header, kindly double check the condition:

Please send us the URL where the header or footer is not displaying so we can check and have a thorough investigation.



All the settings were correct as shown above, and still, the Dutch homepage was not working.

I’ve played around with some simple text on one header, and now all the headers and footers work again.
I’ll try to figure out how to replicate this.


Hi Bart,

Glad to know that it is working now. Please let us know if you need any further help with this.


I think I’ve found the problem, if a header or footer contains a menu which is empty, this happens.
I’ve created empty placeholder menu’s for different languages and headers while developing the site.
Once one of your headers or footers contains an empty menu, none of them seem to work.

Never mind false alarm, ran into the issue today again, fiddling with priority and assignment conditions somehow made it work.
Mind you the settings in the end didn’t change, just playing with them helps to solve the problem

Hey Bart,

Yes, the priority setting of the layout will play a factor which layout should be displayed on which pages. Good to know that you found that out.


No I have not found out anything, this is a super anoying bug

Hello Bart,

Could you please provide the URL/s of the pages were you usually encounter the issue? We will start from there to check down to the priority and assignment of the header/footer layouts.



The problem is site wide, I have 2 headers and 2 footers, assigned through language tag of polylang.
This works flawlessly once it works, but if you then touch a header or footer, by as much as changing a font setting on one of its elements, there is a chance that no footer and headers are shown. So if I edit the English footer, and the problem occurs, then also the Dutch header is not shown.

It can be solved by just fidling around with arbitrarry changes to the footer in any element.

The information for the website is above in a secure note

Hi Bart,

Thanks for reaching out.
It seems that you are facing an ongoing issue with the Polylang and our development team is still working on it. Alternatively, you can check the solution provided in the following thread.

Hope it helps.

Thanks for the hint! I’ll check it out

Hi Bart,

Please let us know if that works for you.


the plugin is pretty old, it doens’t seem to function at all on my test site

Hello Bart,

I would recommend that you clone your site in a staging site. You can then manually update to the latest Pro 6.6 version which is available by manual updates only as of this moment. We can then thoroughly troubleshoot it in the staging site.
