
I am having a hard time understanding the Header/Footer process. I have two sets of headers and footers for the site in question. One set is universal to the site (which has only three pages plus posts). The other is for a special landing page featuring a movie. I am new to PRO4, and have figured out a lot, but I am still mystified by certain options, and I have come to a complete halt in development.



    I was able to build the new header for the the Movie page by duplicating the main Header (created in an earlier version of Pro). I even managed to get it assigned to the Movie-page. But I cannot figure out how to get the Movie-page menu to be assigned to the Collapsed menu element.

    I need to figure out how to make the appropriate menu appear in Site-wide and Movie-page locations.

    I have Footers named and partially developed for both the whole Site menu and for the Movie-page menu. But I cannot figure out how to make them actually appear on the site. Where does make the link between an existing Wordpress menu, and the footer that should display that menu?

I have reviewed the support documentation but could not find answers on how to make the menus appear where they are needed.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Hi @johnboak,

Thank you for writing in, 1.) Preview the Header in small view, so you can see the Collapsed Menu element and inspect it and assign a menu to it.

2.) Please follow the Conditions and Assignments documentation, at the bottom of it there is an Assigning Headers, Footers, and Layouts section, but you need to understand the conditioning first.

3.) Same as the #2 you need to understand how Conditions and Assignments work, so you can assign a different footer for the movie-page, and a different footer for site-wide.

Same as the #1, you inspect a navigation element (e.g. Inline, Collapse, Off-canvas, etc.) and assign a menu to it. Menus are create on Appearance > Menus area.

Hope it helps,

Unfortunately it only helps in a general and conceptual way. I know that some interplay of Conditions and Assignments should get the behavior I want. But the help files are so generalized that I am still lost. I was actually able return the Site-header to the home page ( a relief since the site is live and being viewed). But that is all I could achieve. For the Menu-collapsed on the Movie page I “assigned” the Movie menu, and a Condition of “Page (specific)” “is” the Movie page. But in the smaller sized breakpoints I get the site menu and not the movie menu. Currently I am relatively powerless to control the menus.
It would be delightful to understand this new complex interface, but right now I do not. I get the concept, but I cannot actually make it do what I need. Your help is greatly appreciated.

I thought I had made progress. The behavior was good for the movie page for a while. I got proper menus at all the break points. But now, mysteriously, I am not. I also tried to get the Collapsed Menu to appear for the whole Site in mobile. No luck. I am missing some detail. I have the proper menu in larger breakpoints, but no menu in the three smaller, even though within Pro it shows the collapsed menu icon. On an actual cellphone, there is nothing. (I also cleared the Godaddy cache). This is the most confusing thing I have run into in my years of X-theme and Pro. Thanks for any help you can give me.

Hey @johnboak,

To better assist you with your issue, kindly provide us access to your site so that we can check your header settings. Please create a secure note with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
– WP username
– WP password
– WP Administrator Role
- Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


I seem to have arranged the Headers properly. The Footers remain challenging.

  1. On a mobile device, there is no visible collapsed menu for the Site. There is one for the Movie page .

  2. The footer menus appear to very chaotic and uncontrollable:
    a-- two text menus , one horizontal and one stacked;
    b-- correct menu for the Site, but not the right menu for the Movie page
    c-- I cannot find any way to control the position of the menu in the footer.
    d-- Could the footer menu on Mobile be collapsible?

Thanks for your help. The guidance you provided before helped me get the headers working better.

You are most welcome.

Perhaps you are still looking into my questions. If so, excuse me for not waiting. But I am very frustrated that I cannot get the footer menus to do anything I want. I have sent you a secure note with login credentials.

I seem to have arranged the Headers properly. The Footers remain challenging.

  1. On a mobile device, there is no visible collapsed menu for the Site. There is one for the Movie page .
  2. The footer menus appear to very chaotic and uncontrollable:
    a-- two text menus , one horizontal and one stacked;
    b-- correct menu for the Site, but not the right menu for the Movie page
    c-- I cannot find any way to control the position of the menu in the footer.
    d-- Could the footer menu on Mobile be collapsible?

Hi @johnboak,

Instead of the Navigation Collapsed, I would suggest you use the Navigation Modal or Navigation Off-Canvas or Navigation Dropdown which will create the Burger menu and make that visible only on the Mobile devices using the Customize > Hide During Breakpoints. Please find the documentation on the Navigation elements below.

  1. https://theme.co/docs/navigation-dropdown
  2. https://theme.co/docs/navigation-modal

test-new-Content-Pro (95)

Hope it helps.

I am continuing to make progress.
You have pointed out where to find things in this interface.
I still have some intractable problems, which are summarized below


– Menu works as I want.
– Menu works as I want.
– Menu works as I want.

– Menu displays proper menu, as I want.
– But I cannot control its placement, and the text of the menu is unreadable, and pushed to the right.

MOVIE PAGE ( /built-beautiful-movie )

– Menu works as I want.
– Menu works as I want.
– Menu works as I want.

– Displays Site-wide menu.
– I do not need a footer; I cannot make it display the proper menu and also cannot turn it off.

Thus, there are two items I need help with.
I appreciate you guidance.
It has gotten me close to what I need.

Hi @johnboak,

You got your two menus confuse, that is what happens when you don’t name your menus descriptively.

Regarding MOVIE PAGE footer, on the Navigation Dropdown element, assign the bna-menu

If you don’t need a footer to a page, change its Page Template to No Container | Header. No Footer

Right now there is only a Navigation Dropdown on the desktop footer, can you show us a mockup of the design that you’re going for?

In the meantime, please watch this 5 minutes tutorial.

Gooder Footers: Force Responsiveness with the Line Element


I’m only going to address one problem in this note.
I had already specified things just as you suggest for the Site-wide header.
It was setup as “bna-menu” within "bna-header.
And within Pro that is what I saw and see on the screen.
But in various browsers I now the generic display that you see in your screen shots.
This was not the case yesterday when I finished working in this.
But that is what I see now.

I have cleared the Godaddy cache.
I have used different browsers, and cleared their caches.
Now I will have to figure out how to send you a screen shot.
I have been working on this for over a week, and as soon as I get it close to done a new mystery arises.
This latest oddity makes the home page look damaged.

Here is an image of what I see in the header interface

I assume I have done something wrong.
I would love to know what.
Do you still have the credentials I sent?
Do I need to send them again?


Hello @johnboak,

For your BB-Header, your condition should be “Entire Site”:

For the BNA- Header, the condition will be page specific:

I went ahead and followed the suggestion of @Friech so that your Movie page will no longer have any footer. I also made some changes to your footer settings. The dropdown is displaying at the center on smaller screens now.

Kindly check. your site now.

This is wonderful. Praise be to Reunel !!!

Ironically, when I reviewed the site this morning after your intervention, the menus and assignments were actually reversed. That reminded of an earlier and important piece of advice from you: I gave the Wordpress Menus and the Pro Headers and Footers clearer and more function-oriented names (eliminating the confusing excess of B’s). Then I reversed the menus and assignments.

It looks like you achieved the Site-footer positioning with 45% left padding. Is that all you did? Thanks for that.

With all the repetitive actions I have had to take this past week+, and your guidance, I feel like I have a practical command of the new header/footer interface.

Thanks for you persistent support and guidance.

Hi @johnboak,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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