Header and Footer not showing with new xpro version

For some reason, the header and footer I created are not showing on the page. I checked to make sure they were connected correctly, but they still will not show. Please help.


Hey @LaconicSolutions,

Thanks for writing in! After creating your header/footer, please make sure that you have assigned it and added certain conditions of where you want it to display. Kindly check out this documentation:

Check out the Assignments/Condition in this video:

Hope this helps.

I have it assigned to a specific page and there is nothing else assigned to that page and it is still not showing.

Hello, @LaconicSolutions,

In case if you want to set custom Header/Footer to a specific page, please make sure you have set the condition as "Page Specific " --> Set the page from the select box.

Please have a look at the given screenshot below.

If you have set the conditions properly and it is still not working for you, we need to check your settings. I would also request you to please let us know the Header/Footer Name that you have created and on which page that you want to assign it so that we can check your Header/Footer settings.

Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


I have added the login info in a secure note above. The header is Tammy Gatti and the page is also called Tammy Gatti

Hello @LaconicSolutions,

The header title and the page title is the same. This creates an issue. I have change the header title to “An X Test” and the header is displaying. It is best that you create a different header title that is not the same as the page title to avoid any slug related conflict.

Screen Shot 2021-01-25 at 10.29.30 AM

Please check the page now.

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